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My prayers go to you Tsuki - stay strong - I kill you


Tsuki... Do what you need to do, health is and always should be a priority and noone can judge you for that! We support an kill you a lot! Take your time :)


Hey Tsuki don't be sorry for us. We are OKAY and always support you. We can wait and understand every situation that happen in your life. Everything will be alright. You have our back. You are not alone. We can get through together. Your health mental and body must be first priority. We love you it's okay to cry and it's okay to be scared. Take good care and have a nice rest. I'm praying for you. Wish you all the best. Huggggg 🥹🫂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Sometimes, the best words are the simplest so I just say, we'll kill you Tsuki


don't be sorry tsuki, it must be rough situation for u to be in and I really hope you get better health and mental wise. pls know that we are all here for u and I'm sure your family is too. I personally don't care if the schedule is all over the place, you can just film whenever you feel good about it, just wish you the best!!


Nothing is more important than your physical and mental health right now Tsuki. Don't worry about us, we understand and we're here for you! ❤️


Oh my goodness Tsuki, I am sorry to hear that. You will be in my prayers, I truly feel for you. Like others said, your mental and physical health comes and always will come first. That is the most important thing, don't worry we too much about us or the schedule. Don't take too much on as well, we are down with anything. I wish you the best and sending lots of hugs!! 💛


As a healthcare worker, i would love to send you prayers and encouragement. I know the unknown about your health can be very discouraging and give you PTSD, but the patients i’ve scanned that has been in your position and situation just tried to keep positive and tried to keep distracted by doing things that is more positive to keep them from being in a stressful and depressive mental state. They tell me although they hate having to wait and brace themselves for the worst, that they try to think about best case scenarios to not be so stressed and worried. I want to send you all kinds of good luck, best prayers and get well wishes you get through it and to overcoming side of this battle. Hang in there Tsuki! And just keep saying you’ll beat this. I always was told by my grandmother that when you speak positivity no matter how difficult it is or may seem, your life will start to mimic that positivity. She said the hardest thing for anyone to do is see and speak positively when they are in the eye of a hurricane. You’re in the middle of this cyclone where it’s walls as tall as the sky circling you with no way out, but to only focus on that one clear view to the other side those walls will keep you determined to make it out. So keep your head up Tsuki, and keep pushing. We’ll still be here, so don’t stress. Focus on your health. We want you to be happy and healthy first before trying to please us. 🌸🌺


We will always support you in whatever you choose to do. Your health always comes first 💕💕


Dear Tsuki, I know this time can be very stressful and it’s totally okay to feel that way, vent, scream, cry, do whatever that relieves your frustration, anger and pain. But one thing, never give up, think positively about your future. You will beat this fk cancer and you’ll come back stronger! Take some time for yourself with your loved ones, honestly don’t force yourself for us, we will wait for you. I’m sending you lots of love 🫶