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it's okay tsuki we are always be with you. Take care of yourself. Love uu❤️❤️❤️


Oh don’t be sorry. I figured you were just resting for when you go to the hospital on the weekend. And 7hrs of live streaming was enough for like 2 weeks of streaming to be honest. Rest as much as you need and focus on your health. We’ll still be here when you well rested and ready to go again 😊🌸


don't be sorry its perfectly fine, I'm glad that goin earlier helped you to calm down


It's ok, all the blessings to you, may you recover fast fast, so says LittleBuddha


no issues, you're doing great


It’s alright Tsuki. We’ll have a lot of time to hang out once you feel better, no worries, we are and always will be here for you. ❤️😊


Tsuki's body is the most important! Thank you so much for telling me❤️


oh no, don't be sorry. I'm glad the nurses were able to calm you down and I wish you a fast recovery, but take all the time you need. Your health and well-being are the most important. <3


Don't worry about it Tsuki. Chemo is really hard on the body and it's ok to be anxious about something this big. Just take your time to care for yourself, we can wait ! ❤️


Don't ever apologize for this kind of situation. But you can always talk to us if you need help or support. We only want what's best for you!