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Heyo babies! Passing by to remind you of a few things we have for this end of the week! 

Today I am going to watch If You Wish Upon Me in the afternoon and probably not going to be live on Discord because of the time! I will upload it here before the end of the day~

Tomorrow we have MOVIE DAY on Discord (and obviously, it will be posted here as well after we finish watching it). BE AWARE: IT'S GOING TO BE A HORROR MOVIE SO PREPARE YOURSELVES! 

Saturday and Sunday we have Twitch livestreams as usual :)

Also, we have are going to have another voting session to replace Little Women! I am going to use a few titles you recommended last time and some ongoing dramas.

That's it for now :D

See you guys later~ byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 




I can't find if you wish upon me new video. Did it upload in the drive folder?


Did you upload new episode of if you wish upon me? I also can't find it