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Hey babies! Let's talk :D

Discord Lives

Probably not going to happen THIS WEEK aside from EAW because of the noisy background lately. Only for this week though!

Extraordinary Attorney Woo

I know we are supposed to watch the final episodes, but I have a tiny problem with CONSTRUCTION NOISE AGAIN! I seriously don't know why my upstairs neighbours like renovating so much, and this is giving me such a headache that I am considering moving out. This has been going on for months now and getting the the way of my recordings... 

We are going to watch the final episodes probably TOMORROW! or FRIDAY, I am not really sure. Rest assured I am going to let you know in advance before going live on Discord :)

Run On

I will record this on my own and post it here later this week. 

Move to Heaven

This one will be live on Discord, but probably in the afternoon! (I don't know the day yet)

Livestreams on Twitch

They will happen as usual on Saturday and Sunday, and that's because the neighbors cannot do construction work on weekends lmao *laughing nervously*

Vlogs for Royal Gangsters

I will drop one this week. The dinner recording got corrupted and I am still trying to fix the audio T^T but the one for this week is in the process of making!

That's pretty much it for now! See you soon for EAW~ 

Luv ya!




It's okay..


Can I suggest if you ever start to watch another kdrama.. Please watch, "Dali and Cocky Prince", one of the best kdrama I've watch.. 😊