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Hey guys! As I mentioned on our last Twitch livestream, I am taking a short trip this week to take care of some personal things... I hope you understand that I won't be able to post until the 27th which is the day I come back.

However, we still have some decisions to make here in the gang and I will be making posts regularly about them.

  • For example: what do we watch next?

We finished two kdramas that need to be replaced ASAP. I've been thinking about Money Heist: Korea which I am PRETTY EXCITED about, haven't seen the other version but everyone says it's a good show.

  • There's also the decision about continuing Why Her. Many people on Twitch have been saying the drama is not that good, with a very fast paced storyline that's confusing to some lol Also, I've been having some problems uploading the reactions on Youtube because every freaking video of this drama is getting a copyright warning and that's pissing me off so much ughhh! Whatever I do they still catch me! Anyway. Yeah, another post to make about this decision.

  • And last but not least, a drama to replace Tomorrow, exclusive for Master Gangsters :)

So yeah, we have a lot of things to do this week!!

Talk to you soon~




our blues is a good show


Any interest in yumi's cells? Such a good show I binged season 1 and started season 2 since its airing now. It's also very cute and strictly romance which I think we need in the lineup to counter all the darker shows.


Alchemy of souls ~~


Alchemy of souls


At a Distance, Spring Is Green is also a good Drama.


Can we give a shot to "Insider" ? I have watched first few episodes and been hooked to it since. Its an ongoing show so worth checking out.


Hope you continue on Why her, it really really good…

Naia Laka

And I hope you keep on watching Eve pleaseee🙏🏼


Hope you continue on why her..

Rachid Idibar

you should definitly watch Bulgasaal immortal souls. Best reincarnation kdrama since goblin


Thirty nine is sooo good🥺🥺


"Alchemy of Souls", "ANNA", "Jinxed at First"~