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Well. Huh... the drama ended but the story didn't...?

So I was kinda of confused in the end lol BUT the series was REALLY good and aside from the fact we got an open ending, I really enjoyed the fact that my favorites actually survived all of this... 

Tell me, what's your rating for the show? :)

Mine is 8/10!

Alternative link:


Signal 14-15-16.mp4


Cam T Crowley

Girl, this "ending" had me so confused that I opened Netflix the next day thinking there was one episode left and I had to rewatch it... I was legit like "Did I watch the ending and forget about it? The last thing I remember isn't the endin--oh. It actually was." Seriously one of the most unsatisfying endings I've ever watched in anything... But overall, I did like the drama. I think Kairos did the whole "present communicating with the past" better; there are a few plotholes in Signal, in my opinion. But I'd still give it a 6.8/10. If the last episode had been better, that score would have been higher.

Manthan Shah

WTF?! is that ending lol, that's messed up.


You can watch Tunnel too. it has the same vibe as signal. but i think the ending is better XD