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Today is Sunday and it's supposed to be my "rest day" but I had to come here and talk to you about something that's bothering me. I have been getting a few messages in private here on Patreon about the poll for the new kdrama that's been going on for 2 days now. 

Some are messages that I am already used to get, like suggestions to new dramas or old ones, suggestions as to how I should do certain things that would be better for me and my growth and that is completely fine because they even help me grow overtime and see whatever mistakes I might be making. I love these types of messages, keep them coming! 

But there has been some that are not really nice. They contain mostly:

  • My list for the next drama is not good enough and I should quit
  • They won't be my patrons anymore because I don't pick the good dramas to watch
  • I am favoring some people over others and picking only the dramas they suggest
  • My page is nothing like they thought it would be so they want the money back
  • I talk too much in my reactions and should stop doing it so often

While I completely understand that you are spending your money to watch my content, I also have to remind you that I am human and I cannot do EVERYTHING each person wants. I have a job out of the internet and I do NOT have the time to watch every single drama you think I should! You are also not the only one paying to watch the content, which means I cannot favor you over others, unfortunately that's now how it works in THIS GANG

I take everyone's suggestions into consideration and then, I put the poll for the next drama up. 

The poll is here to make sure it's fair and square for everyone. I would never, ever favor someone over others, because to me you are all equally my friends/gangsters.

I am deeply sorry that the drama you suggested is not winning the poll, or it's not in the poll at all, but I am doing my best to keep this gang happy and content. I do not want, and have never wanted, to scam anyone into thinking my Patreon is awesome and perfect and make false advertisement over whatever happens here. 

I organized everything in the page so that you would know EXACTLY what you are paying to watch! There are several posts with everything explained and if you just took the time to read before pledging, you wouldn't have to tell me "my page is not everything you thought it would be" or that "my content is not worth your money".

I won't offer these people a refund because I specified what is the content available very clearly in the pledge's description and several posts. I even described the dramas that are NOT AVAILABLE anymore, and which ones ARE AVAILABLE and UNTIL WHEN they would be available. I don't know what else I could do to appease everyone that's new, and that's just eating up my emotional state. 

I am not doing this for the money, I do this to feel good and happy. Please stop with the mean messages in private. If you are not happy, just don't pledge anymore, no one is forcing you to do that. 

Understand that this is only for those sending me MEAN MESSAGES! 

To everyone who sends me messages making suggestions and recommendations, I love them, and this is not directed towards you ok? 

Someone also sent me a message suggesting I make a post about all the dramas I have already watched to make it easier for you to suggest next kdrama reactions, and I also thought that is a great idea. I will do that as soon as possible, so thank you for the suggestion :)

I am so sorry about this long rant, but you know I am really transparent with you and this is something that's giving me extreme anxiety and I hate this feeling of insecurity, like I am never doing enough. Thank you to everyone who truly supports me and is always there for me <3 I love you to the moon and back.

Now for the haters sending mean messages, PLEASE STOP PLEDGING AND GO AWAY! 




It’s good your posted about it… u can’t please everybody and humans can be scary but we’re here for you. Like you said you are human and in my opinion you do A LOT like I don’t want to compare but a lot of people on patreon don’t post as much as you do we’re literally spoiled

goonghana .

That's too bad that haters are going to hate. I love your content anyways regardless of what you watch. Hope you have a good rest today. Watch the content that you want because you're having fun not because you're forcing yourself to. Good luck and have a nice day.


i love your content! And thank you for all the work you put in to providing content that is fun to watch and easy to access, have a great day! &lt;3333

Jessica Mariela

For all the haters please just leave us alone.🙏tsuki I love your reaction ❤ we always be here for you 😘


I've been pledging for a while now and so far i'm loving all your contents. I've even ended up watching dramas that i don't plan on watching. because you react to the dramas, it's nice to have a sorta friend to watch together. Hope you keep your spirit up despite the mean messages. There's a lot of others that will still be here for you. 힘내요. 수고했어요 🥰

Meruka Hinaru

Haters, go away! We don't need you! We here are a community that loves spending time together and Tsuki is very vocal and transparent about her content, and by the end of the day, if you're interested in the content she offers, then pledge, but if you don't, then what are you doing here hating? I personally subscribed to Tsuki just because she's an awesome person and whatever she's watching, I just enjoy her having a good time watching dramas, but If people come and make that experience a bad one for Tsuki, IMMA REVOLT! LEAVE MY BABY ALONE! I love you Tsuki, and always will ❤




Just be your self Tsuki, I'm enjoying every content you do even drama's i don't watch before I'll watch it with you cus watching new drama with you makes me lough, angry and cry sometimes 💜💜💜 we love u and we're always here for you. Here's a big hug for you 🤗


I feel so bad that Tsuki facing such immatured nonsense. Since we are humankind and have different desires and thoughts. But there are certain rules here. that we love tsuki’s reaction because she finds fun to reacting it. Let’s keep it that way. Let her decide what to do.


Stay strong Tsuki. Some people just on the internet because anonymity gave them courage. You are an inspiration Fighting!!


I'm always rooting for you. Tsuki💜💜💜