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I swear I had like 4 strokes while watching this episode. What a rollercoaster my friends 🤦🏼‍♀️
The curiosity is killing me from inside out and I can barely hold myself from just going on Google and searching up with whom Deoksun ends up with LMAO

Can we all just agree that Taek is a baby and must be protected at all costs? 🥺❤️


Reply 1988 Ep 6 Re-upload.mp4



Hahhahaha... Me too.. I searched on Google who ended up with deoksun after watch ep 4.. I can't imagine how curious people who watch this drama on going


Lol fortunately for me, I didn’t watch it while it aired live and I already knew the endgame before I started watching so I saved myself some suspense. Kinda wish I hadn’t known though… the mystery is fun


man i remember watching this as it aired and the watchers were SO divided on team junghwan or team taek. it gets so frustrating but i enjoyed it