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Hey bbs, how are you today? I just finished editing EP 15 lol both the edited and unedited version will be uploaded in a bit!
But that's not what I'm here to talk about.

  • There's an issue going on with people pledging at the end of the month, and then getting charged again at the begging of the upcoming month. I made a poll before and most of you answered that you knew how the charging system on Patreon works, and that you weren't bothered by it when you first pledged to me.

But some other people don't know about that, and then they end up being dissatisfied with it. I don't want you thinking that I am just trying to rip off your money 😅 sooooo I came up with a solution... Kind of.

Starting today, I will unpublish all tiers of my Patreon from the 20th day of every month. That way, nobody else can pledge until the next billing cycle comes in.

  • That means, if you are not yet my Patron, you cannot pledge and have access to my content until the beggining of the next month!
  • For those of you who are already my patrons, nothing will change, don't worry.

That's about it. If you have any questions, you can message me or just comment in this post. I'll answer all your questions. The reason I'm doing this is that you don't pay to watch like 2 days of content because you pledged at the wrong time.

Hm, that's it. I'll be posting DAYS ep 15 soon. 🥰😘



Those who pledged this week and messaged me about getting charged by Patreon again, I will refund you and then you can pledge again when the new month begins. That means you won't have access to the content until then. Thank you for your understanding 😊


Most people just accept the money. Not our Tsuki, she is kind and thoughtful to her Patreon

Jessica Mariela

We should understand it that's the bill date guys. But tsuki your so kind ❤ love to be your patreon 🥰