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Hey guys...
If you have been part of our family for long, you'd know that when I created this Patreon I had one goal in mind: buy better equipment so I could make quality content for you...
I felt like that was the least I could do to express how grateful I was for every minute you spent watching my videos on YouTube.
The first thing in the list was to buy a camera, and a few of you supported me since the beginning paying for the highest Tier at the time (Red Roses $10).
But then, due to unfortunate events, my microphone broke a few weeks into my new "content creator" journey, and I had to spend the amount I had saved from your support to buy a replacement.
I had to wait a little bit more to actually be able to buy the camera but I was not worried about it even one bit because I knew you guys understood me. I am a newbie in this video content world, I've been constantly learning how to edit videos, how to get better quality, how to manage my time between my job in "real life" and my hobby on the internet (watching Kdramas with you guys).
It's been tough, really tough, to wake up at 6am, record videos, go to work, come back home by 7pm and edit the videos until 1 or 2 am. HOWEVER, I never thought, even for one second about quitting everything and just returning to my normal boring life.
And that's because I feel like you guys are my family now and I can't imagine going through the week without watching anything with you, sharing my feelings and opinions with you!
You guys are such a big part of my life now that I cannot think about you not being in it anymore!
You might be wondering, why is Tsuki pouring out her heart like this all of a sudden, making me read this long ass text on Patreon?!

Well. We did it guys.

Today I finally bought a professional camera.

It might sound like it's such a stupid thing to become emotional about, but this means SO MUCH to me! That was my initial goal, my first objective!

We hit this milestone TOGETHER! It's because of YOU that I enjoy making these videos so much.

For those of you who have been with me since the beginning, I love you to the moon and back. And for those who are just getting here, I hope you feel like you are a new member of an online family that just loves Kdrama too much. I also love you, and hope that we can stick together for many, many years to come!

I'm so sorry this turned out to be sooooo long, but I just had to share this news with you and express all my love for your support and how grateful I am for having you in my life!

I know we will hit many milestones in the future, TOGETHER, and I won't miss any opportunity to remind you how important you all are to me.

Thank you again for your support, your words of encouragement, your comments... Your care!

I love you guys too much 🥰

For my flowers! 🌷🌻❤️




Wow.. I didn't know you watch drama that early in the morning. It was always sunny in your video I just assume you watch kdrama in the weekend and release it as per schedule. Congratulations on the new camera and looking forward for your new video


Yeah I have to record really early in the morning 🤣 I wake up at 6, start filming around 7-7:30... I live right next to the beach and the sun comes up really early around here lol then I go to work after lunch and edit everything at night! That's my routine haha

Meruka Hinaru

I'm so happy! Now I can watch your reactions and your beautiful face in all the splendor posible <3