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Learning a Sadism Demon's Past | Audio RP | [M4A]

lips that would kiss form prayers to broken stone --- hope you enjoy --- written and recorded by yours truly All my links, including Patreon (vote in polls, get credited in videos, get early access, get bonus audios, and more): https://linktr.ee/redactedaudio This original content has been created exclusively for this YouTube channel. No permission for this copywritten audio to be distributed, copied, shared, or plagiarized is granted to any person, organization, or entity.


Lilian 726

Eugh, E u g h, E u g h, hate him I do yes, but damn it if I don't wanna see how that plan of his goes.

Anthea the Tiefling

I also don't like Vega. I can't forgive him for beating Caelum up ( who is basically child like) Manipulating Ivan to kidnapping somebody, Threatening Freelancer.... no matter how meny times he calls Warden "Darling" I only really listen to his videos for the lore. I am curious as to what he does at closeknit and how it will play into other stories


I’m just dying for them to bang. This slow burn is starting to hurt 😻


I'm half expecting Erik to pull a MCU Loki on us with Vega. Make us have all the feels and trust for him only to have him betray us (or attempt to) and change his mind at the last minute so the bastard ends up dead for it.... We got smutty Vega in Imperium so this one's a wild card.

Lilian 726

After what he's done already trust is the last thing he deserves tho 😂


The Pet arch is just so sad because of the whole being doomed thing. Darling is kind of a bad ass. Their dynamic is so different because they are also a demon and Vega seems to be building them up. I’m a glutton for punishment with these bad guy good guy characters. Vageta is my all time favorite character love interest so my love for Vega comes as no shock to me. 😅