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Warnings: [auditorily and emotionally intense][raised voices/screaming][aggressive tone and language][arguing][offscreen characters in life-threatening danger, emotional distress][crisis depiction][references to serious wounding]

the next narrative push for Sovereign State has arrived. I decided to just do this as one big episode instead of breaking it up into multiple pieces. hope you all enjoy.

this wisdom teeth extraction has really done a number on me. i'm not sure if i'll have a post for you guys next Monday/Tuesday. i'll keep you posted.

big thank you to my friend LoveBoldly for voicing Circinus. LoveBoldly has gone on a hiatus from doing VA work on his own channel, but there's still loads of great stuff over there that you should check out!

the youtube version, if you prefer:


and the file and transcript have been added to the Redacted Records Index:







I love this. I still think that PM has something to do with what happened with the Inversion but Wooooo! Avior and Circinus lore!! But YESSSS Avior being there at the Inversion too!!! Woo!

.Audrey Chavez.

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