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CW: [references to possessive, obsessive behavior and desires]


Audio RP | Falling For Your Yandere Childhood Friend | [M4A]

know what you're getting into Content Warnings: [references to possessive, obsessive behavior and desires] --- the first of the three-part narrative push for The Balance storyline hope you enjoy "The Balance" playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEm8kgm65Yt6N7hwXZhXvluwZcRjvRqjS --- written and recorded by yours truly All my links, including Patreon (vote in polls, get credited in videos, get early access, get bonus audios, and more): https://linktr.ee/redactedaudio This original content has been created exclusively for this YouTube channel. No permission for this copywritten audio to be distributed, copied, shared, or plagiarized is granted to any person, organization, or entity.


Glitter Goblin

its probably a total coincidence, but i noticed a theme of light based pet names in the balance series? because we have Sunshine, Starlight, and i know bestie doesnt have an official petname yet, but through the whole audio they're being compared to light? i just thought that was interesting

Lina Mellbo Cedermyr

I'm not sure if I'm alone in this or not, but I screamed at the end. Or screeched might be a better word. And not in the good way 😅


are y'all fr? y'all really excusing Blake being like ,,he's trying to control it" whatever the fuck while most of you was hating on Cutie and got the Fred and his listener series basically cancelled Netflix style. don't even get me started on Adam, Vega, etc.


i know he's so toxic but can you imagine a Blake BA 🫣😭


When/if his listener finds out what he’s done I can only imagine the betrayal they will feel!! I wish I could love Blake but he hurt Sunshine and many others through his group. I just can’t get past that and I doubt the listener will willingly push it aside either.


oh god he’s about to become 101x more ruthless to sunshine


oohhh he is such a manipulative brat i hate him soo deeply he is truly so awesome

No One

Dude the emotional roller coaster I just went on would put Surge to shame. Genuinely got creeped out at that last bit. Also, love how every time Blake was like "don't do this" he always added an "unless" my guy knew what he was doing.


Can’t wait for the next video where his true colors is showing in front of sunshine


i just really wanna know how blake's friend's life is on the line. (unless i misinterpreted previous videos) blake needs to figure out how to communicate with death or his friend will die. we already know they're in danger with blake, but now im curious as to how much danger they're in. erik is such a brilliant writer im so hyped to see where this series goes


maybe closeknit is using his friend against him somehow? “do all this for us or your friend gets it.” kind of thing?


i honestly have a theory that they're in the exact same situation as elliot and sunshine. like they both got in too deep and they erased his friend's memories or something, but there are a lot of plot holes that come with that. like "why not just remove both of their memories, what would blake have that they want", and "how did they get involved in the first place." still absolutely would not be an excuse for any of what blake's done.


Question : Is Blake’s Listener an empowered human ? If yes, what is their power ? (we probably have the answer in one of the videos but i forgot :/)

Glitter Goblin

i dont think its been stated explicitly, but it seems to be implied that they're empowered, but we dont know in what way. i think Bestie might just be a freelancer. again, just speculation, but from the way Blake has talked in the past and how Elliot assumed Closeknit probably wouldnt welcome unempowereds into their meetings, im pretty sure Bestie is empowered


I don’t think we know what their powers are yet, but we do know that they’re empowered for sure (iirc). In the episode where Sunshine and Elliot get captured we overhear Blake and another Closeknit member talking about how Blake is trying to convince his listener to join CK and how they want their powers on CK’s side.


Same! I kept waiting for them to say that Bestie was terminally ill or something throughout this ep but was surprised it didn’t get a mention. Now I’m even more curious! Hopefully we find out tonight. 👀


Maybe… but that would be so cool if they’re an energetic tho


Holy hell this had me really listening!! These stories are masterpieces. Blake literally makes you feel safe but at what cost. I need to know the next step of what him and listener's journey together.... it can't be all rainbows 😮


ok so i was very wrong but honestly not as far off as i couldve been


Bruh, if we ever get a BA for the naturally implied continuation of this night, I will go absolutely rabid. I cannot express any harder how much this is my shit. The absolute raw borderline terrifying emotion is absolute craque for my fantasy-prone brain. Your characters are just amazing, truly. This made me feel all the things in the most perfect way. I'm so happy that we get to hear all of your astounding work, not only Blake. All of your characters are beyond well done, and I can't wait for all of it 💖


I have listened to this WAY too many times because his voice is so damned soothing, and man oh man is it fascinating to go back (especially after his latest audio!) and examine all the layers of dialogue and see how it changes after we get more of his story. Erik, I know this is a broken record by now because we're all saying it, but this is truly phenomenal writing.

c (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-01 08:04:43 I have been a silent listener for years (I want to say lifetimes because of this world and your plot lines) on YouTube and on and off Patreon (forgive my finances 🥹), but THIS has pulled me from my realm of silence and (relative) peace to comment - IF YOU ANAKIN & PADME ME ON THIS ONE, PLEASE TELL ME NOW SO I CAN PRE-YEET MYSELF OFF A CLIFF. Grazie 😌🙏🌸 P.S. I ceaselessly adore your work, it’s truly brilliant and quite truly art. Your stories and videos have held my heart throughout undergraduate. So, thank you dearly for being a mini sanctuary - Hopefully, so long as you create, I can return here throughout graduate school 💕
2023-05-01 04:53:08 I have been a silent listener for years (I want to say lifetimes because of this world and your plot lines) on YouTube and on and off Patreon (forgive my finances 🥹), but THIS has pulled me from my realm of silence and (relative) peace to comment - IF YOU ANAKIN & PADME ME ON THIS ONE, PLEASE TELL ME NOW SO I CAN PRE-YEET MYSELF OFF A CLIFF. Grazie 😌🙏🌸 P.S. I ceaselessly adore your work, it’s truly brilliant and quite truly art. Your stories and videos have held my heart throughout undergraduate. So, thank you dearly for being a mini sanctuary - Hopefully, so long as you create, I can return here throughout graduate school 💕

I have been a silent listener for years (I want to say lifetimes because of this world and your plot lines) on YouTube and on and off Patreon (forgive my finances 🥹), but THIS has pulled me from my realm of silence and (relative) peace to comment - IF YOU ANAKIN & PADME ME ON THIS ONE, PLEASE TELL ME NOW SO I CAN PRE-YEET MYSELF OFF A CLIFF. Grazie 😌🙏🌸 P.S. I ceaselessly adore your work, it’s truly brilliant and quite truly art. Your stories and videos have held my heart throughout undergraduate. So, thank you dearly for being a mini sanctuary - Hopefully, so long as you create, I can return here throughout graduate school 💕


istg the things i would do for a blake bonus audio