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Right from the start-- this audio is rough, dark, and heavy, and I debated not posting it. If it's not something you want to listen to, that is absolutely understandable and valid, and don't worry, we'll be back to an emphatically-consenting, sweet and caring NSFW next month. I really hesitate to even call this one a "bonus audio" in the conventional sense. Please don't listen to this if you're not in a headspace to do so:

TRIGGER WARNING: the audio depicts [violent non-consensual biting] and [sexual assault], far more unambiguously than any of my previous hard audios. This audio involves the listener character blatantly ignoring Ivan telling them to stop during the feeding section, and again as the listener character is trying to initiate sex. The feeding immediately passes Ivan's comfort levels and despite him explicitly telling them to stop repeatedly, they continue. The listener then tries to initiate sex and Ivan again tells them to stop, but he is ignored and tranced so that he'll participate. Unlike my other hard audios where certain things are left ambiguous, allowing them to more easily be seen as potentially, if dubiously, consensual, Ivan unequivocally tells them to stop, and they don't. He doesn't want to have sex with them, so they trance him into a state where he then desperately wants to. It includes [coercion][manipulation][violence against voiced character by listener character][crying][begging][pained sounds][rough biting sounds][victim blaming for arousal from non-consensual acts][non-consensual mind control/hypnosis of the voiced character to facilitate sex][dehumanization and objectification of the voiced character][voiced character personality shift due to mind control][no aftercare offered to the voiced character][abandonment of the voiced character after control is released]

PLEASE be mindful of the warnings for this audio. It is a very unhappy ending. Not only does it go to dark places, in this one the listener character is the one enacting those non-consensual acts, which can be upsetting even to people who normally don't mind this harder kind of thing when the roles are reversed. Compounded by the fact that this is Imperium!Ivan, who hasn't even done anything objectionable, unlike in the prime universe, so there isn't even a revenge/catharsis to fall back on. Please tread carefully.

I also want to add what I put in the comments here:
I want to clarify some things about this release. And I don't say any of these things to minimize anyone else's opinions of this audio, or how it affected it them; with topics this personal it's more important than ever that it be discussed in a way that's respectful to the differing feelings on it, because those differing feelings are valid and justified, and based on our own experiences. But I want to further contextualize it beyond what's outlined in the description.

I understand that this audio is very intense and outside of a lot of people's comfort zones, and rightfully so. That was why it was VERY important to me to adequately tag it, and outline what happens in it, as well as give repeated statements throughout that post to avoid this audio if you weren't in a headspace for the kind of things that were outlined. This audio doesn't glorify the acts done within it. They are labeled and contextualized as acts that are wrong, because they are. I didn't make this audio lightly, and I didn't make it for shock value, it was made as a way of working through events I've faced in my own life in a way that's safe and external to those experiences. It ultimately ended up going to levels that I hadn't initially planned when I first imagined (and announced) it. I certainly wouldn't have teased the thumbnail beforehand so flippantly had I known the depths this audio was going to go to once I started to actually write it, and then that it would go even deeper when it came time to record it. This audio includes more stuff that came to the surface improvisationally in the moment than anything else I've made, and the final result is far more personal than what I had planned. I don't usually go into detail about my own personal experiences that shape parts of my content, because I don't always have space within myself to get into those experiences publicly. Not without some layer of creative narrative to separate the feelings of those experiences and put them in a context I can safely interact with. Content of this nature and intensity is not something I make lightly or often, and I only chose to share this one at all after a lot of deliberation, because I felt that having that safe fictional space for some people to engage with those concepts could be of value, like it's been for myself and others. But only if I was incredibly and explicitly clear about the content of this audio, how it could negatively affect people to engage with it if they weren't in an emotional space to interact with that kind of thing, and to state in the title and multiple times from the beginning all the way to the end of the description to please heed those warnings and make an informed decision so as to not be blindsided by the intensity of it. Ultimately I feel this audio has value, and while it should absolutely be avoided by people who aren't in a position to engage with those experiences given their own boundaries, backgrounds, and limits, I think that content with these themes has value in existing, so long as it is thoroughly tagged, labeled, and doesn't glorify those acts, and I held myself to those guidelines when I created and released it.



Loosecat 56

Something about one person losing control passing that on to someone weaker than them.

Loosecat 56

They could have at least provided aftercare. If not in the form of an apology then stopping the blood flow and making sure he'd live and maybe get help. But in the throes of guilt people aren't exactly rational.

No One

Took me awhile to muster up the courage to listen, but I was re-listening to Cataclysm and decided to do it. God, was this intense. I had to pace around to stop myself from crying. Incredibly well-acted, no surprise there, but it also really speaks to the incredible world building and character work in both the Imperium and Prime storylines. It wouldn't have hit nearly as hard without knowing about the treatment of vampires and unempowereds in the Imperium, nor would it have been as impactful without the context of Baby and Ivan's long journey to a healthy and happy relationship in the main storyline. I really don't think I've ever been this affected by an audio, or if I have it's been awhile. Amazing work, the feels were definitely felt with this one.




I came back can i have your autograph 🥹🥺




I don't want to say that I enjoy this, since it has the wrong implication considering the subject and how personal it is to you. I appreciate it, how complex, intense, and well-executed you made it. I'm sorry that you had the personal experience to inspire this. I have so many emotions right now, it's so well done. I'm crying, I'm horrified, I'm relieved. Art isn't just supposed to be pretty. It gave me chills, in a bittersweet kind of way. Thank you for sharing, despite how difficult it must have been.


I have never commented, and just recently got the patreon again but I was bored and decided to listen to the "forbidden ivan audio" I didn't listen when there was all the drama cause everything said it was so traumatizing but after listening it didn't scare me didn't traumatize me didn't leave me sobbing didn't leave me triggered just a single tear and the thoughts "poor ivan" I dont have any guilt in listening, art isn't always beautiful theres a reason the horror genre exists, I understand why some actually a lot wouldn't be able to listen to this i wont negate their feelings just simply stating mine, I have always separated myself from the listener character ive always felt weird thinking of myself as the listener character i always feel on the sidelines spectating so I have no qualms judging baby for what they did I dont think the audio is the devil or its wonderfully amazing I think it just is and isn't for everyone all the trigger warnings are phenomenal and ive always appreciated them immensely while I do think that due to the nature of the audio there should have been another bonus audio of a softer nature alongside this one I can understand how emotionally and mentally draining making something like this could be and how hard that would have been to make another after such a task of making that audio you are after all just human but that also comes with making mistakes that we learn and grow from I wish you well Mr Redacted and this will probably be the last time I ever comment as I just like to enjoy silently from afar


The your hurting when Ivan said that I almost cried this is so sad and when he was pleading the listener to stop I felt so sad

Dewi Sri

On a personal level I find it fascinating how I am more than perfectly fine (and into!) having my consent violated in a fantasy sense. Yet this audio made me feel like I could never do this to someone else in the way I'd be okay with this happening to me.


How have I never seen this audio before? Damn


(i know this was from a year ago, but i’ve continuously forgotten about this and never got the chance to say something earlier, so..) — i understand you, in your words, made sure the audio didn’t glorify the acts done within it, and that they were labeled and contextualized as acts that are wrong, but there are people who are not treating it as such, in fact doing the exact opposite, who are completely disregarding that and talking about how much they enjoy it, not from an artistic or cathartic standpoint, but for their own pleasure, and their language alone is insanely disrespectful to people’s lived experiences. and of course, this brings up the discussion about what topics are okay to dedicate a whole 20 minute audio to, with said topic happening continuously and extensively, and how do you avoid glorifying it when it’s done as such, especially considering the intention behind it was not supposed to originally be this intense (which just makes me wonder where the original line was going to be)? i don’t need to give examples of said topics, i think some of them are pretty clear (and very obvious why they’re out of the question..) also, as someone who has also gone through things i will not be talking about here, i really can’t help but feel like describing it as sexual assault is a means of making it seem less severe than it actually is. with how extensive this is, for lack of a better term, and the fact that trancing is very comparable to being drugged, i’m not sure why this isn’t just described as rape, because it is rape. this is a rape-centered audio. also, i mentioned this in another comment of mine, but in comparison to some of the other audios, with this audio, the emotions/feelings are already built into it, the lack of consent is already built into it. in the context of this universe, this is reality. so when i mention the people who are enjoying this to that extent, that is a huge problem, and again where i ask, where is the line drawn about what topics are okay to make something like this about?


I don’t usually comment on things, but I feel the need to after everything that has been going on recently. It really upsets me to see how much backlash this got and for the fact that this got distributed elsewhere, when it was specifically made for patreon. I am beyond frustrated how people have broken that trust Erik has put in every one of his patreon members to not share exclusive audios outside of the platform. Personally, I think that everything was labelled to the best of Erik’s ability and he was being responsible when uploading this sort of content. Everything was extremely clear in the description, the more important parts being in bold so it’s visible, and he also respects that this content might not be something every one of his members can listen to. He doesn’t force it upon anyone to listen to his stuff, he never does. I do agree with this content having value existing, as long as the person making it is not doing it for malicious reasons. There were absolutely no ill intentions involved with this and in no way was it glorifying the acts done within the audio, which I think is something that some people are skipping over. I’m not lessening anyone’s opinions, we all have our own thoughts on the matter. However, I think people need to see that Erik is a human being with emotions just like the rest of us are, and the fact that he felt the need to reveal personal things that this audio involved because of the current situation infuriates me. That being said, I think he’s already been through enough with the channel recently, so I don't think we need to be adding more to his plate. Erik, if you're reading this then take care of yourself. I know stuff like this can be daunting but you did absolutely nothing wrong. You did everything you possibly could when uploading the audio and I am deeply sorry that you have to go through this. Take time to yourself if need be, your well-being matters. Take care <3


You are so deeply loved and cared for by all of us. You are a safe place to process shit and to relax after a long day, and have never abused your position despite that duality. You did everything right, and your content is yours to make. No one else gets to put strictures on that, especially after ripping it from the safeguards you constructed. Everything within this audio is clearly tagged and outlined in the description. It’s dark, heavy shit, but a lot of the things we have the most trouble unpacking are. Sometimes it can be good to let those heavy feelings out, either actively or through some sort of vector. Thank you for providing space after space in which to do so.


I don’t usually leave comments (I often struggle to articulate my thoughts coherently) and many before me have already said it perfectly, but you took great care to provide adequate warnings for this audio, and the fact that not only did someone/some people completely disrespect and break a clear boundary you set by taking your content and posting it elsewhere against your wishes, they did so without showing the right care and attention that you have. TWs are used for a reason, and you provided plenty of them so listeners could make the decision to listen or not listen depending on their own well being. Content like this may not be to everyone’s tastes, but for many it can be cathartic to create, a way to process past trauma safely, and can at times show others that they’re not alone in their struggles. I’m truly sorry that you’re having to go through this – I hope the many words of support and encouragement left by your listeners can bring you at least a little comfort. Thank you so much for all that you do, and please take care ❤❤❤


I just. I really need to discuss this audio it’s been hounding me at all hours and I just want to talk about it if anyone is interested or just ignore me I’m just ranting at this point. Okay. Okay. So. I have a theory. So towards the end when Ivan is getting more and more desperate under the trance for Baby to bite him, for Baby to stay with him, Baby doesn’t bite him again. ((Probably a good choice because that sounded like a lot of blood.)) Either the trance weakens or Baby breaks it but it’s broken kinda hesitantly or slowly to me? Maybe they see how Ivan isn’t himself? Maybe they see that under the trance even tho he’s saying he liked it and he wants it it’s not really him saying it. I’m hoping Baby realized this and that’s why they don’t stay to try to convince Ivan more that he did like it. They don’t argue with him or say anything else to his repeating that he didn’t want it. They just leave. But maybe because they don’t know what to do now that reality is back and the gravity of what they’d done to the only person that’s cared about them is so painfully obvious and in front of them. I am hoping it’s that and not because Baby has become so cold. There’s gotta be something left in them that remembers how they were when they were human and with Ivan. It’s only been a year! They couldn’t have forgotten their humanity that fast? I’m guessing with the Imperium hanging over their heads they’d had to cling to each other for comfort and sanity. That has to have been a strong bond. I mean, Baby has to remember what it was like and how Ivan loved them? And what could they have done anyway at that point? Would Ivan even have wanted them to stay? Yeah, he cries when they leave and there’s that last fucking awful heart-tearing questioning “baby?” before they walk out the door but what could Baby have done besides leave? I don’t think apologies, even desperate ones, would have done it. Unless Ivan is still really obsessed with them and would forgive them, maybe blame it on the blood lust or something once he learned about it. Well, I doubt we’ll ever revisit this but I’m hoping there’s still some shred of what Baby used to be. I know the end of the world is coming so there’s not a lot to look forward to but god, I hope I’m right and Baby somehow tries to fix it. ((Like idk how but I just want these impossible things to happen okay???))


I hope you're doing okay.

Pagan Kitten

Fuck, man, can we just end this already??


I think I may be a little twisted; I have listened to this like 10+ times now and I FUCKING LOVE IT!

Ink on my Dink

Anyone else keeps thinking of ivan-vega's baby, instead of epilogue-ivan's baby? Even with the first audio for Ivan-Baby-Sam last year, I was picturing the poor shmuck Ivan kidnapped in canon, instead of his actual ex. I dont MEAN to, but its feels... More raw in the imperium au for Ivan and Baby.


Oh my god. I didn’t even think about that. Yeah, which Baby is this? How many babys do you have, Ivan? Is it the Baby who in canon-verse was put through hell thanks to Vega/Ivan or is it his ex that he got back together with?

Flying Icarus

My beautiful Redacted, of course this audio has huge vale 💜 I really loved the way you put all the warnings in a very loving and careful way, you are amazing and we love you! Honestly, I loved this audio cause I see it as a book 💜✨️ I think Erik was clear, honest and super respectful with the tags and warnings which he explained in detail carefully, which I appreciate a lot. In my case, I enjoyed the audio as a fantasy and as fictional work of art. I think Erik is a dope talented actor and writer, I see this as art. I love all the hard work you do for us Erik, please feel safe and happy that we all understand you and love you. 💜😊 Also, I want to thank you deeply for sharing your feelings and thoughts about your personal experiences, I value that with all my heart and with huge respect and care, please feel safe with us my dear. Thank you for being such a sweet person and for always being so dedicated to all the work you do. 💟 As, for the storyline which this audio follows, I was incredibly happy to follow up with Baby's turning by Sam in the Imperium, I always felt intrigued to know what was going to happen next with Baby after the turning and here it is, I also loved we could see Ivan in the other side of the mirror being soft and nice, imperium always amazes me and leaves me wanting more, thank you for this super art work Erik, I will be listening many more times for sure! 😊💜


I have such a conflicted relationship with these kinds of audios. Your acting is so real, your stories are wonderful and I adore your craft. I often enter erotic asmr consumption space now as a replacement for porn in my life, but these induce a kind of deeper emotional catharsis that makes me cry almost every time and I don't know how to feel about it. 😭But it's wonderful. You're doing great. ❤