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my plans for this week's uploads got kind of scrambled for a lot of different reasons, so i wanted to give a bit of an outline as it stands now. the Reductive Audio is going to be tomorrow's release (hence early access to it dropping today), and then the next installment of Cataclysm will be coming on Saturday (Friday for early access). That means I'll have to play a bit of catchup at some point, but this just works out the easiest with the stuff I've got going on the rest of the week/throughout the weekend-- namely, having to be a busy businessman doing busy business on a business trip for my irl job (a trip that i desperately wish i could avoid, but such is life)

so yeah. basically, the schedule for October will be a little wonky right off the bat, but we'll make it work. thanks everyone!




Fancy Mr. Business man! Have safe travels and get back home safely. Hopefully you can find something enjoyable about the trip!

Carmilla Dragyns

May you have safe travels, and take your time, Erik! We just want you to be safe, happy, and healthy.


Good luck on your trip! Please remember to take care of yourself!


safe travels !!

Joker Fan

Safe travels on your business trip businessman <3


please take care and stay safe Erik!


Safe travels Erik. I wish you the best of luck, don't even think about us, we'll be here thinking about you in a suit of a businessman 😏 at least I know I will 🤭 take care.


Safe travels fancy business man!


..."but your busy business trip is important, so we can't get too mad at it." I hope your trip isn't too stressful; travel safe and have fun if you can!


Safe travels Erik, please take care of your self and have lots of fun!

Lovely Deviant Alyssa

Thank you so much for the update, Erik! It's great information to know. Sounds like an awesome plan, all-around! 👍😊 And I'm so glad it's a release schedule that works best with what you've got going on right now, on a timeline that is comfortable for you 💜 So, no worries at all! 💖 I can't wait to hear all the spectacular things October surely has in store! Everything has already been so amazing, thus far 😍 Again, thank you so much for this update. Safe travels! I hope everything goes well, and smoothly on your busy business trip full of busy business, busy businessman 😜💜 Lol! Sending lots of warm wishes and good vibes your way!

Alexis Brown

Hello, I hope that you have safe travels on your business trip! I know that feeling of having to do something especially during the weekend or a specific holiday. But you got to do what you got to do. Don't forget to take care of yourself and know that I am proud to be a member of your patreon. It's such a nice Community here. I didn't know you had so much good content that dumb YouTube removed. So worth it!