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let's get this ending ś̵̟ṯ̷͙̑̕a̷̤̓̓̽r̴̡͍̥͠t̸͔̫̂e̶͇̞͕̎d̷̪͚̂̓

Trigger Warnings: [dubiously consensual feeding/biting of listener][references to long-term subjugation of listener][objectification/dehumanization of listener][discussions of large-scale existential threat][authoritarian regime/discussions of government control][mocking/degradation of character][references to character death][proposed violence toward character][threats]

the youtube version, if you prefer:


and the file and transcript have been added to the Redacted Records Index: 




Flying Icarus

WOWWWW I just listened to this and my mind just got blown away, Ash makes such a genuine Alpha in the Imperium 😲 and Vincent... he is the absolute best 🎆 in both canon and alternative universe he always makes me have huge feelings and thoughts and I just love his personality both canon one and imperium one, he just shines even being a dark character in this AU series, plus his sexiness went over the rooof in this episode. I loved the rain sounds and the storm outside, it added so much mistery and intensity to the whole thing, and I am really intrigued to see how the Alexis part is gonna go, that I didn't expect and I loved it, imperium is awesome, terrifying but awesome! Redacted you just made my day 💜 Guys get ready, this is going to be a wild ride!

Lovely Deviant Alyssa

🤯😍 I'm practically screeching with excitement, after listening to this audio! It's such a fantastic kick-off to this chapter of The Imperium storyline! It was so captivating, having this installment begin in the middle of an impactful, pivotal moment, with that conversation between Milo and Asher. It was the perfect way to reintroduce these high-stakes circumstances, in a manner that immediately pulled me right back into the action! 🤩 From the very start, my attention was locked into everything happening, and I was absolutely on the edge of my seat. The dynamic between characters, and the situations they find themselves in when it comes to this AU, are endlessly, uniquely intriguing! For example, exploring The Pack figures of authority, with Asher as Alpha and Milo Beta was very compelling. And hearing Ash be so stoic was heartbreaking, considering the inferred reasoning behind his temperament. In fact, there were many moments where he sounded a lot like David... It just made my heart ache. That reminiscent touch was absolutely masterful storytelling and characterization. Fantastic work, all-around 😭 Absolutely beautiful. And of course, the interactions between Asher and Vincent were spectacular! It gave me goosebumps! I loved it. Every word was dripping with antagonistic venom. It was frighteningly enthralling. I was hanging onto every word spoken 😍 I adore that kind of complexity in a narrative. Plus, this only further goes to show: I enjoy Imperium!Vincent way more than I probably should. Oops. But, it is the spookiest time of year, after all. So, 'tis the season, and all that jazz 😈😉 And of course: This audio was an absolute FEAST of lore and plot continuation! A delicious feast! I'm currently basking in all this new (fittingly terrifying and heart-wrenching) information! 🤩 And all those reveals about Alexis and Quinn...AHHHH!!! 🤯 It was astounding! It was great! My mind is spinning, in the best way! I What's gonna happen??? I have to know!!! 💜💜💜 Marvelous work, through and through, Erik! Everything about this was incredible! The writing, the voice acting, the editing... It was amazing! Also, the accompanying visuals we're so cool, downright mesmerizing, and awesomely eerie! Thank you so much for all of it.