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Audio RP | Your Possessive Daemon Helps You Fall Asleep [M4A]

just a silly little bedtime story right? --- hope you enjoy --- written and recorded by yours truly All my links, including Patreon (vote in polls, get credited in videos, get early access, get bonus audios, and more): https://linktr.ee/redactedaudio This original content has been created exclusively for this YouTube channel. No permission for this copywritten audio to be distributed, copied, shared, or plagiarized is granted to any person, organization, or entity.



Regulus is eerie yet so alluring. He pulls you in whether you like it or not. I couldn’t imagine how he must feel. After the situation that made him become a fallen daemon, it had to be extremely lonely, going through your life completely unseen by the world. It’s heartbreaking. He may go about things the wrong way and should not be underestimated but, if I were invisible, I would want someone to acknowledge me. Someone to say “I know you’re here, I feel you, and I care about you. You’re not alone and you can still help people.” He’s mysterious and complex and you want to know more about him. He’s like trying to put a puzzle together in the dark. You want to understand him and hope that he’s not really a bad guy. Only time will tell, we shall see. But Regulus is becoming a favorite of mine.❤️

Lacquered Chassis

Just when I thought my feelings about the Meridian couldn't get messier 😂


Oooo that story though~ it's simultaneously some great insights for starlight and avior and also important for our return to the imperium soon! I wonder how many d(a)emons are told a story like this, and how many believe it? After all stories are where history goes when it's forgotten~


Oh wow! It's the cataclysm/ cacophony!

Ag C. A. Canty

I fell asleep like he told me to 😳


First off, that story was amazing and Regulus' voice is SO soothing, with this sweetness to it that's somehow not creepy? (at least, not in this instance). I...kind of love him. And while the care he shows here *does* border on creepy - because we know what he's like outside of this - this is such a tender moment out of context that... I don't know, I want to be his friend. I wouldn't mind cuddling up and listening to him tell stories. Which is SUCH good writing and character work. Thirst aside (hi Vega...), being intrigued by a character we objectively know is Not Good(tm) enough for us to start letting our guards down... it's fascinating. And you get us there so easily and in such a relatively short amount of time. Kudos!!


IDK what it says about my mental state but Regulus has always been able to bring me comfort, relaxation, and sleepiness like no. other. character. Something about the binural vibes and the rapid fire patter designed to disrupt and stop my own thought process means my anxiety doesn't stand a chance lol, regardless of Regulus' own dubious intentions. I am so glad he's back!!

Yennifer Tiefling

Regulus hits a spot for me like no other. He comforts me even when he's holding me down (even more so maybe...heh). Thank you Erik, for bringing him back. I hope to hear more from him!


Me, listening to this audio while doing my Sunday self-care routine, which includes a deep conditioning hair mask: "If the Meridian was created from a strand of Min'Ara's hair, and it's being damaged every time magic users draw on their powers, is there a magical equivalent of keratin treatment to fix it?? Or is there no other choice but to go through with a big chop?? 🤔 " anyway, love the extra-dimensional concept of the Meridian, so interesting to visualize. A strand of hair vs the shape of a barrier that could separate land and sky, what we already know about spacetime and beyond in the physics of our own universe, the idea of godlike sentient beings existing beyond our perception giving rise to magic and empowered peoples. So fascinating to try to wrap my head around, can't wait for more world building in the future!!

Lovely Deviant Alyssa

Wow!!! This is incredible! 😍 I love everything about it! Regulus is such a compelling, frightening, and complex character. I'm always eager for his next installment, they never fail to keep me on the edge of my seat. This audio absolutely enthralled me, from the very first word, to the last 💖💖💖 Framing that explanation of (potential) lore as a d(a)emonic myth/bedtime story? It was pure genius! Plus, it was also such a fantastic callback, to Caelum and Gavin's prior references to that story! Oh, and while on that topic: Oh, my God!!! The (potential) origin lore of The Sovereigns and d(a)emon kind!!! 😍🤯 The second that clicked in my mind, a whirlwind of theories followed. This is all just so awesome! And when combined with recent reveals, concerning the Main Universe of the narrative, alongside information gathered from The Imperium AU... The plot continuously thickens, haha. Needless to say, I'm both very nervous, and very excited to hear where things are headed, in the future! So many possibilities. Again, I think having Regulus be the one to share this story in its entirety, with his captive Listener, was a spectacular choice. Knowing what we know about this particular Fallen Empathy Daemon... It only adds to the ominous undertone of the tale. Throughout the entire audio, there was an utterly enchanting push-and-pull dynamic, between the allure of comfort, and the eerie nature of the truth. It's certainly a potent mixture within storytelling methodology, and I adore the way it's used here. Absolute perfection! 💖 As always, I love the use of binaural audio effects and audio track layering, experienced in Regulus' installments. I love the way those elements of background humming, gentle shushing, and the story worked together, too 😍😍😍 Oh, and I really dig the way that familiar, comforting phrases were employed, towards the end. And then, to have that verbal soother be quickly twisted into a sense of possessiveness, by the conclusion... "Rest easy. Be well. Sleep tight. You’re mine, and you’re safe. I’ve got you, and I’m never letting go. We’ll be our own bedtime story. A beautiful, happy story. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep." ...Such fantastic narrative crafting, through and through. This audio was incredible! And it's definitely a fascinating take on the Sleep Aid category! 🤩 I say this every time, but I should not be as intrigued by Regulus as I am! I know that, but I just can't help myself. So, once more: This audio was truly superb, in all of its ominously relaxing energy. I just can't get enough of it 😍 This is definitely another one of my new favorite audios. P.S. The thumbnail art/video art is gorgeous! I love the whole color palette, and the text design in the background! So eye-catching! Beautiful! Oh, and, for the record, this may be one of my favorite video description taglines yet! 😍❤️ Great stuff!


Am I the only one that can only see his September posts


no omg i’m the same i thought i was the only one ??


if you haven’t worked it out already you have to update your membership