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TWs: [references to trauma and traumatic injuries to character]

the youtube version, if you prefer:


and the file and transcript have been added to the Redacted Records Index: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zwMOdC_eqNpYemOoGReZ4wIGSVll7UojjSviuzuMcAQ/edit?usp=sharing

NOTE - if you're on my Discord please don't post any spoilers about the contents of the video until after the public release has fully elapsed. We don't want to ruin any surprises for anyone. Just keep it to the comment section of the video itself or here on Patreon until then! Any spoilers on Discord will be removed and the poster will be issued a warning. Thank you!



Just call me AJ

This is so sad. Alexa, play Francesca by Hozier


Oh Avior…. that was not a nice way to end that audio dang it 🥺☹️😭