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Your Soft Unsure Werewolf Boyfriend Needs You | AU | Audio RP | [M4A]

take the lead [Alternate Universe] --- the last entry in a new little anthology here on the channel: April Fooliverse! while I'm not a fan of the general vibe of April Fool's Day in most contexts, i do like the opportunity it represents to do something a little different just for the fun of it. hence this new anthology! featuring some non-canon takes on our catalogue of bois. hope you've enjoyed --- written and recorded by yours truly All my links, including Patreon (vote in polls, get credited in videos, get early access, get bonus audios, and more): https://linktr.ee/redactedaudio This original content has been created exclusively for this YouTube channel. No permission for this copywritten audio to be distributed, copied, shared, or plagiarized is granted to any person, organization, or entity.


✨Starlight Angel Baaabe🩷

I can't be the only one that is sad the Foolishverse is over, huh? I LOVE our bois and the lore ( goddammit I love the lore), but these Bois have lore too, right? Right? We survived TWO seasons (incredible seasons - loved every minute) of the Imperium. How much fun would a universe with these bois be. NOTE: This is just wishful thinking, and a whole new realm for head canon. It's a new, fun world to think about, but I'm always ready to get back to the lore in the canon universe!

Khelisie Salvatore

Wow this was fun, but at the beginning when David said "Bye Dad" it was like a gut punch to where I couldn't really pay attention there for a few moments. I mean I know all of these are outside of Canon but still. Not saying this was bad, it was actually quite good and funny seeing David as a beta to Angel. Thanks again for all of these stand alones. I know I'm probably the only wants this but I'm still in favor of a Milo hybrid were-vamp, that is sired either by Pirter or William as the Hoyse of Solaire is on the brink of collapse. I'm also in favor of bringing Gabe back to life as a ghost opportunity one 1 day to spend with David. Have it be a father's day episode but have it in Canon. It would be beautiful and guve David that feeling of closure and getting to ask him all the things that still eat at him about running the pack.


Imma need an expansion 👀👀


forgot to comment that this is such a fun way to do alternate universe, i loved the idea! 💖 this david is really cute, i know everybody loves their tsundere but this is just so endearing and it's sweet to be needed 💘 but god the call in the beginning... 😢😢

Isabelle Rupnow

I would love to see this get a expansion.