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-Taylor Herbert, pending cape name-

She couldn’t believe she was actually going to do this.

Taylor gulped for the seventh time, but still feeling her throat dry as she carefully peered over the edge of the rooftop. The cool night air brushed against her homemade costume, sending a shiver down her spine. Below, in the shadowy alley, the same group of gangsters remained stationed, their hushed voices barely audible from her position.

She wasn’t exactly sure what they were doing or if it was even illegal, but the distinctive red and green colors of the ABB were unmistakable. They were never good news, especially this close to the main office of the Dock Workers Association. More alarming was that all of them were openly carrying weapons.

Well, just a handful wielded guns, as she could notice the metal glint in some of them. The rest clutched baseball bats or knives, looking no less menacing. 

Maybe they were preparing for something big, and as an aspiring hero, she needed to step in before anything bad happened. That was on her ‘how to be a hero’ notes, after all. It was the whole reason she’d finally mustered the courage to go out tonight, after weeks of preparation and internal debate.

Also, because she was inspired by True Might’s debut, but that’s another thing altogether.

Okay, she could do this. She had to. She’d trained for this, hadn’t she? Countless hours of jogging, basic self-defense videos watched in secret, and nights studying her notes and other things. It had to be enough... right?

Her plan was simple: control the spiders—those that weren’t venomous just had a very nasty bite—and use them to incapacitate the guys with guns. Then she’d swoop in and subdue the rest of the thugs. Her costume should be hard enough to handle small arms. Finally, she’d call the authorities to handle the cleanup.

Whether it was the police or the PRT who responded, she’d use the opportunity to introduce herself as a new cape. That should give her report more weight, ensuring they’d come to deal with the situation promptly.

She’d give her testimony, and with any luck, there’d be a news article about her in tomorrow’s paper. Yeah, that should work for her debut as the newest heroine in town. A part of her hoped they’d get a good angle of her costume; she’d put a lot of effort into designing and making it look cool, after all.

She lightly hit her head and took a deep breath, ready to set her plan in motion. But before she could act, the harsh screech of car tires echoed from the other side of the alley.


She rushed to the edge of the roof and watched in horror as skinheads poured out of a beat-up Toyota, instantly opening fire on the Asian gangsters. Some ABB members went down, while others threw themselves behind whatever cover they could find, returning fire with equal ferocity.

In a matter of seconds, all hell broke loose.

Her hands shot up to her head in surprise, mouth agape as she stared at the scene below. Why were things never easy in this city?

Her mind raced as she needed to stop this shootout before innocent people got hurt by stray bullets. Wait... maybe her original plan could still work.

Focusing her power, she sent a direct command to the spiders, pushing them to move as fast as possible. With everyone focused on the gunfight, no one noticed the arachnids creeping up behind their necks.

Taylor held her breath, waiting until every shooter had a spider in position. Then she bit her lip before she gave the command to bite.

Suddenly, everyone armed with a gun yelled in pain. Weapons clattered to the ground as both ABB members and skinheads fell, clutching their necks in agony.

It worked?

It worked!

Practically jumping in victory, one fist raised high in the air. For a moment, she felt invincible, powerful—like a real hero.


The sharp crack of gunfire shattered the night air, and Taylor’s body reacted before her mind could catch up. Even hearing her heart pounding against her as she pressed herself flat.

She gulped again, her costume was made of armored chitin and silk and theoretically speaking it should be bulletproof, but when faced with the very real threat of very real bullets tearing through the air, Taylor found her faith in theoretical protection woefully lacking.

However, she heard some sirens in the distance, which filled her with relief as it meant that this incident was reported and thankfully a patrol responded.

But right now, it didn’t matter much. More bullets struck the roof’s edge, sending small chunks of concrete clattering around her. Even pinned down, she reached out, connecting with a solitary fly nearby.

Its compound eyes offered a fractured, alien view of the world below, but it was enough. Through its fragmented vision, she watched the gangsters scramble, dragging their wounded towards their vehicles, seemingly forgetting that they were killing each other moments ago. Engines roared to life as they fled, tires squealing against asphalt in their haste to escape the approaching authorities.

As the last car disappeared around a corner, Taylor allowed herself a shaky exhale. This was a far cry from the heroic debut she’d imagined, but it was a start—messy, terrifying, and real.

With trembling limbs, she carefully rolled onto her back.

Taylor lay there for a moment with her thoughts.

She’d stopped a gang fight, sort of. 

She’d used her powers…. effectively, even if it didn’t go entirely to plan. 

And she’d survived her first brush with real danger as a cape.

A wry smile tugged at her lips beneath her mask. It wasn’t pretty; it wasn’t clean, but it was undeniably a start.

And well… if she wanted to be like True Might, she would need a phrase of sorts too.


-Daniel, True Might-

Cape work is actually a lot more than just punching bad guys and stopping crime. 

“So, what have we learned today, young justice seekers?” I speak up, scanning the young and eager faces before me.

A kid’s hand shoots up, and I nod in his direction. “Drugs are bad!”

I flash a grin. “Correct! A true hero of justice will never consume drugs–only evildoers dabble in such nefarious substances!” I thrust forward the terrified Merchants member I’m gripping by the collar, giving him a little shake. “Like this villainous miscreant who sought to spread his wicked wares!”

The kids boo enthusiastically, and the criminal, showing a surprising amount of common sense, keeps his mouth firmly shut. Well, he is sweating a lot, so he must be aware that I can fold him like a pretzel at any moment.

Turning back to my pint-sized audience, I ask, “And what do heroes do?”

My question causes hands to fly up all around.

“Beat the bad guys!” a little girl with pigtails exclaims.

“Eat their veggies!” Another voice pipes up.

“Study hard?”

“Do sports!”

“Save people!”

I thump my chest lightly, beaming at them. “All correct! Your flames of justice burn brighter than ever, young warriors! Remember, true might comes from a pure heart and a just cause!”

The crowd of kids erupts in cheers and laughter, their excitement becoming rather infectious, as their teachers join in moments later.


This is actually a nice change.

As the kids’ cheers die down, I try to strike another heroic pose, a hand on my hips. “Now, who wants to see how a true hero handles evildoers?”

The response is immediate as more little hands shoot up.

 “Me! Me! Me!”

I chuckle, lightly shaking my head. “Excellent enthusiasm! Watch closely, future defenders of justice!”

With exaggerated care, I set the Merchant thug on his feet. He sways slightly, eyes darting around as if searching for anything to escape, but a single glare from me rooted him on the spot.

“Now, villain,” I address him in a less happy tone. “Will you renounce your wicked ways and embrace the path of righteousness?”

The dealer, finally finding his voice, gulps loudly, “I... I didn’t... It wasn’t...”

I shake my head solemnly. “Tsk tsk. Still clinging to the shadows of villainy, I see.” I turn to the kids, winking conspiratorially. “Sometimes, young justice-seekers, words alone aren’t enough to sway a hardened criminal. That’s when a hero must use...” I pause for a dramatic effect, “the Grip of Redemption!”

In one smooth motion, I grab the criminal hand, applying just enough pressure to make him wince. “Feel the burning light of justice coursing through you! Let it cleanse your soul of evil!”

The man yelps, more from surprise than pain. “Okay, okay! I’m sorry!” I know he is lying through his teeth, so I apply more pressure to make it hurt, which he notices and falls to his knees in pain. “I’ll be good, I swear! I SWEAR!”

I release his hand, beaming at the class. “And that, young heroes, is how justice triumphs over evil!”

The kids burst into applause, some even mimicking my heroic poses. Yeah, I can ignore the overwhelming cringe for moments like this.

The wail of approaching sirens cuts through the air, a welcome sound for once. That means that Oracle did her part and managed to get the cops to dispatch units to this part of the city. And entertaining the kids was also her plan, to keep the kids distracted and happy while we all waited for authorities to arrive and escort them back. I didn’t mind being a babysitter for a bit.

The curly-haired teacher claps her hands, showing that she is used to herding small children. “Alright, my little justice seekers! Time to form an orderly line. Let’s show True Might how well-behaved heroes-in-training can be!”

“Yes, Miss Moore!” the kids chorus, scrambling to form a line that’s more enthusiastic than orderly. They follow the second teacher towards their battered yellow school bus, its front lights smashed and the paint job of the side ruined by a car crash.

The older teacher watches the kids board with a mixture of relief and lingering anxiety. She turns to me; her smile warm but tired. “True Might, I can’t thank you enough. When those Merchants forced us off the main avenue, I thought...” She trails off, shaking her head.

I flash my most reassuring grin. “Fear not, noble educator! No villain’s scheme can withstand the burning light of justice!” I strike a pose, fist raised to the sky. “I will always be there to protect the innocent, especially kind-hearted molders of young minds such as yourself.”

She chuckles, a hint of color rising to her cheeks. “Oh, stop. I’m not nearly as young as you’re making me feel.” Her expression grows serious again. “But truly, thank you. The children... well, you’ve made quite an impression.” She hesitates, then continues. “I know it’s presumptuous, but would you consider visiting our school sometime? The kids would be elated.”

She hands me a small note with an unfamiliar preschool name. I didn’t even know Brockton Bay had a preschool in this area.

“A chance to nurture the flames of justice in young hearts? I accept this noble quest!”

Ignoring my overly dramatic and cringeworthy response, I don’t see why not. I just need to prepare a simple life lesson about health and safety, with some power poses thrown in for good measure.

The woman flashes one last grateful smile before hurrying towards the small school bus. Perfect timing – the cops’ vehicles screech to a halt, and the officers leave their vehicles with hands hovering near their weapons.

I whip out a pair of plastic cuffs, which are given out for free by the local PD, and secure the Merchant goon’s wrists behind his back. He winces but doesn’t resist. Smart move.

“Behold, officers of the law!” I boom, waving enthusiastically. “Justice has been served!” I gesture dramatically towards the beat-up, modified car where more Merchants thugs are trussed up like turkeys. “The foul perpetrators await your righteous custody!”

The lead cop nods, a mix of relief and exasperation on his face. His partner jogs towards the school bus, no doubt to collect statements. Anyway, my work here is done.

“Remember, citizens!” I call out to no one in particular. “True Might stands ever vigilant against the forces of evil!”

And I take my leave of the crime scene.

But as soon as I put distance I cannot help myself but feel disgusted at how fucked up the situation actually was. The merchants were blatantly trying to kidnap little kids during broad daylight. And who knows what they would have done to them if they succeeded in that….

Well, at least I was there to stop it and taught everyone a nice lesson.

I should inform Oracle too.


I freeze mid-stride, slowly turning to face the source of that booming voice. To my surprise, it’s Mirko, the rabbit hero, soaring through the air before landing in front of me with a resounding thud.

“You’re pretty slippery for a big lug, ain’t ya?!” she barks, ears twitching with irritation.

It is surprising we haven’t crossed paths before, given how active she is in this part of the city. But judging by her expression, I can tell that she’s not here for a friendly chat.

I merely flash a dazzling smile. “Ah, greetings, fellow champion of justice! I’m overjoyed to see you’ve conquered your injuries and returned with renewed vigor!”

However, my greeting doesn’t seem to work as her red eyes narrow dangerously. “Yeah, about that...” In a blur of motion, she hurls a folded piece of paper at my face.

It sticks there for a comical moment before I peel it off and unfold it. As I read the contents, I feel my jaw trying to drop in shock. 

Because it’s a fucking medical bill for 15,000 dollars.

They actually charged her?

I thought that was a free service for heroes or something. Glancing at the fuming bunny hero, her anger suddenly makes perfect sense. Anyone would be very pissed about being saddled with that kind of debt.

I can’t help but mentally chuckle at the irony. Different universe, super-powered individuals, and technological marvels – yet the US healthcare system is still royally fucked.

Mirko’s foot taps impatiently, with her arms crossed under her breasts. “Well? Got anything to say for yourself, ‘True Might’?” She practically spits out my hero name.

I clear my throat, searching for the right words. And pray that my cape speech doesn’t fuck it up. “Ah, brave Mirko, as you can see, these numbers simmer with evil. Surely this is some villainous plot to—”

“Can it with the justice crap!” Mirko snaps, jabbing a finger into my chest. “This stupid bill is your fault!”

Well, that didn’t work. I guess apologizing should be the right choice?

I clear my throat, trying to dial back the bombast. “I truly meant well, friend Mirko. I couldn’t leave an unconscious fellow champion of justice in the dangerous streets where many villains lurk. And our friend Oracle personally asked for my help to rescue you from your perilous moment.”

My explanation causes her ears to perk up before she frowns, grumbling under her breath. Finally, she lets out a long sigh, throwing her head back and slumping her shoulders.

Uggggh, I know, I know. Fuck, I sound like a bitch now. I’m just pissed at this whole thing.” She rubs the back of her neck, grimacing. Her eyes narrow, fixing me with a stern look. “And I kinda solved it already, but listen up, big guy. Next time, just drop me off with Panacea, got it? Her work schedule is public, so if for some reason I need to be patched up and can’t walk there, just dump me wherever that girl is.”

I nod, flashing another dazzling smile. “Very well! You have my solemn vow that I shall follow your request to the letter should you ever require assistance in your righteous duty!” I lightly thump my chest with a fist, letting my body move on its own.

“Whatever.” she rolls her eyes, but I catch the hint of a smirk tugging at her lips. Her posture shifts as she cracks her knuckles. “Actually, I was looking for you ‘cause I want a rematch.”


I tilt my head, puzzled.

“A fresh trigger actually beating me? Yeah, I call that rookie luck.” She grins, bumping her fists together before lightly punching my chest. “So whaddya say, boy scout? Up for a real fight?”

Pissed bunny to excited bunny? Weird.

But not the unwelcome kind of weird.

Besides, I was getting a bit bored from uneventful patrols. And direct combat is the fastest and most effective way to get stronger thanks to my Martial Talent perk.

“There won’t be any fights.”

Another voice interrupts us, causing Mirko to freeze for a moment before looking to her right and groaning in disappointment.

Well, now that’s piqued my curiosity.

When I turn my gaze, I find Eraserhead standing on the road, looking as unamused as ever.

It’s rather surprising to find him here, but that doesn’t stop me from quickly taking a step forward and extending a hand towards him. “Friend Eraserhead! It is truly a glorious moment to meet you again in the line of duty!”

The man calmly accepts my handshake with a decent grip, his expression unchanging.

“Oh, come on! I wasn’t planning on fighting here. There’s this nice, empty place in the docks, you know?” She protests.


“Ughhh, FINE!” She throws her hands up in exasperation. “So, why are you here? Shouldn’t you be downtown lazing around or sleeping?”

Eraserhead simply ignores her and turns to look at me before pulling out a small envelope and extending it towards me.

I carefully take it and tear it open, revealing an invitation to a rather large PSA event from the PRT. They’ve invited other independents too - plenty of names I don’t recognize, but I do spot New Wave on the list.

Funny, I haven’t stumbled upon Glory Girl yet, despite her regular street patrols. If I meet New Wave, I should also get a chance to meet Panacea. Might be good to get her number for emergencies.

Besides boosting my reputation, there could be other benefits to attending.

“You can count me in!” I declare enthusiastically. “I would gladly assist in this noble duty!”

Eraserhead nods in approval.

“Wait! Wait!” Mirko cuts in, pulling our attention back to her. “I never got invited to this kind of event before. Why does the newbie here get one?!” She pauses, then adds with a huff, “Well, not like I’d go anyway, but it’s the principle of the thing!”

Eraserhead just sends her a flat stare before turning around and walking away without another word.

Mirko groans, dragging her hand across her face. “Ugh, Eraser used to be way more fun before he joined those paper-pushing stiffs.” She turns to me, a dangerous glint in her eye. “Alright, big guy. If we can’t throw down, I’ve got the next best thing.”

A ferocious grin spreads across her face. “How about a good ol’ fashioned race?”

Without warning, she drops into a stretch, muscles coiling like springs. “You may be built like a tank, but I bet you move like one too. No way you’re faster than me. That night it was just the adrenaline talking.”

I bite back a smile. I’m almost certainly faster than her. Not bragging, just facts.

“Your warrior spirit burns bright! Truly, the flames of justice will never wane with heroes like you!” I proclaim, unable to stop my mouth.

Mirko cocks an eyebrow. “So, that a yes or what?”

“I would be honored to help fan those righteous flames even higher, my young spirited comrade!”

She’s older than me, but the words tumble out, anyway.

The rabbit heroine taps her chin, crimson eyes scanning our surroundings. Suddenly, she jabs a finger into the distance. “See that heap of bricks?”

I follow her gesture. About seven blocks away stands a dilapidated two-story building, more rust than structure.

I nod in confirmation.

A wicked smirk plays across her face. Then, without so much as a breath of warning, she shouted.


She’s already a blur of motion before the words fully register, gaining a good lead.

I cannot help but roll my eyes at the sudden childish behavior, so I take a deep breath, mentally preparing myself and lock my eyes into the finish line.


In an instant, I’m off, my feet barely touching the ground as I surge forward.

The wind whips past my face as I accelerate, my legs pumping with superhuman speed. Mirko’s lead shrinks with each passing second and also getting a view of her fluffy tail. That’s actually a cute fluffy tail.

“JUSTICE WILL NOT BE OUTPACED!” I bellow, pushing myself even harder.

Mirko glances back, her eyes widening in surprise as she sees me gaining ground. “Ha! Not bad, big guy!” she shouts over her shoulder, her grin turning feral. “But let’s see you keep up with this!”

She suddenly leaps into the air with surprising speed, doubling her lead in an instant. I frown, but I’m not about to let the bunny get the best of me.

Adjusting my posture, I increase the strength behind every step, practically jumping as I keep running. With my new form, I quickly catch up to her again. She notices, glancing over her shoulder, her eyes narrowing into a scowl.

The fact that she doesn’t try to take another leap means she can’t pull off the same trick twice. A smirk of victory plays at the corners of my mouth as I continue to push myself even harder.

The ruined building is practically in front of us now.

So I grit my teeth and push my body even more and the world blurs around me, buildings and streets melting into a kaleidoscope of colors.

However, the world seems to slow down as I finally pass the rabbit hero, catching a glimpse of her shocked expression.

I touch the crumbling wall of our target building a split second before she does, skidding to a halt in a cloud of dust.

And before the cloud of dust dissipates I strike a side chest pose and prepare my victory cry.

“Another victory for my justice!”

As the dust clears, I see Mirko gaping at me, her jaw hanging open before twisting into a scowl.


She stomps her foot forcefully onto the ground, causing a small crack to form beneath her.

And the hare loses the race once more.


-Bonus scene: Thomas Calvert, Coil-

In the depths of his fortified bunker, Thomas Calvert sat rigid in his high-backed chair. The rhythmic tapping of his finger against the leather armrest echoed through the room as his eyes fixed on an empty spot in the room.

After careful deliberation, he reached for his power and splitted the timelines.

Timeline A: Mobilize his mercenaries to capture True Might

Each operative was hand-picked, outfitted with cutting-edge tech designed to neutralize brutes. He was watching the operation unfold in the safety of his bunker through multiple camera feeds…


Reality distorted like jelly and before he could process the impossibility before him, a fist materialized from the void, connecting with his face with bone-crushing force. Pain exploded behind his eyes as the timeline collapsed into nothingness.

He gasped, his hand instinctively reaching for his face before he refocused his power.

Timeline B: Approach True Might with an offer

He tasked the Undersiders with extending an olive branch to the new cape, armed with a carefully crafted offer that would appeal to both greed and idealism based on what he learned. 

As Tattletale began her pitch, the air crackled…


Space tore open like a zipper, revealing a muscled arm that terminated in a massive fist before it connected squarely with his nose. Blood sprayed across his mask as the timeline disintegrated, leaving him back to reality with even more intense phantom pain.

This defied all logic. His power had never failed him so spectacularly before.

His power simply wasn’t working against that new bastard.

He leaned back against his chair and massaged his temples for a moment before he tried again with a different approach.

Timeline A: Use the PRT backdoors to get more information than he already has.

Like always, he just needed to navigate the files and find Daniel’s file as maybe there was something new or something that he might have missed…


The computer screen exploded in a shower of glass and sparks. A monstrous hand burst through, seizing his head in an iron grip. With terrifying strength, it slammed his face into the reinforced desk. The expensive wood splintered, and he felt his skull crack before the timeline mercifully ended.

A bead of sweat trickled down his neck as he reached for a crystal decanter of expensive scotch. He didn’t bother with a glass, taking a long pull directly from the bottle. 

None of this made any fucking sense.


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