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Hi there!

The visual part of the next video has been completed! I still have audio to record and then some finishing touches, but those usually take a day or two max. I did have something I wanted to talk about first though.

In this video, I decided to bump up the resolution of my videos to 4K, which is twice the size in each dimension as before. For those of you who can actually watch in 4K, this means higher quality! For everyone else though there won't be much of a difference. I'll still be designing everything to fit nicely on a 1080p screen, so there won't be any tiny text you'll have to zoom in on, haha! I mainly made this change as sort of a future-proofing thing, and because it means the final product that I create will suffer less from compression (not sure how much that will hold true once it is uploaded to YouTube, but we'll see).

The thing I wanted to talk about though has to do with the end screen of my videos. Before, I have just had an end screen that showed icons of everyone in the $5+ tier here on Patreon, as well as links to socials and then two YouTube buttons that go to another video and to Patreon. I figured that since I have to remaster the end screen anyway for 4K video, that it might be time for an overhaul.

Not only are there getting to be so many icons that they can't all fit on the screen at once, I'm running into another problem--I'm nearing the text limit in the video description! Soon I won't even be able to fit all my supporters' names in the video description. I still want to recognize everyone who supports the channel, so I will likely be moving names of those in the $1 tier to the video, and leaving the description for just, well, a description of the video.

But since adding even more stuff to the end screen is gonna be a challenge, I think I am going to split the end screen into two segments. First will be a Patreon segment, where everyone's names and icons will appear. I think I will also start plugging Patreon vocally every video too as well at the end here. Viewer retention takes a nose dive at the end anyway, so I won't feel as bad advertising myself, heh. Then, after this segment, a blank empty segment with just the socials and YouTube buttons.

Let me know what you think! Also, if you have any fun ideas for displaying names and icons in the end screen, feel free to share! Fun fact: I originally planned for icons to show up as tetris blocks as a real game of Tetris was being played, but it ended up being way too slow to show everyone!

Thank you for reading!



I think it's a good change. Nothing really to lose, and as you said, most people don't even get that far. I'd go for it.


I think that's all super fair. I'm excited for the new upload! No pressure for real... But I am excited