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Patreon came out with this feature called "Lens" a while back that basically lets me share behind-the-scenes stuff with patrons easily in the same vein as Snapchat where the image/video will be available for only 24 hours. At first I didn't really plan on using it, but I figured since I've gotten a lot of questions about how I make videos, there might be an actual interest. If you would like me to start using Lens to show off stuff like this, please let me know by liking this post and/or leaving a comment. Also, if you are currently not a patron, would this be something that would be worth the minimum pledge?


P.S. I'm still planning on making a more formal and complete video on some of the techniques I use for video editing, so this wouldn't replace those videos.



Sounds good. I'm not sure how keen I am on the only being available for 24hrs thing but that's time enough to watch I guess


Would be great! I'd be a fan for sure. Also, I think it could be nice for the minimum pledge. I'd like to echo that any videos around your motion graphics and other processes would be really nice to see. I've wanted to make technical presentations like this before so it'd be a great thing for me to grasp.


I like the idea, but not so much the fact that it'd be available only during a certain period of time (be it 24h, more, or less).


I think it'd be good, since you're planning on making a more formal presentation later on. It'd be a good way to provide brief glimpses into the process without pressuring you to fully compose a presentation.


I'd watch that


Your motion graphics are always top notch. I'd love to see some behind the scenes work.


I'd love to see more behind the scenes stuff, and the idea of unprofessional just quicker things sounds great for this. But I don't see a need for the 24 hour limitation, I feel like that aspect is purely a downside.

Austin Hughes

The behind the scenes stuff would be good but I'm not interested in the 24 hour limit.


The 24 hour limit is built into Lens. I don't think I can disable it.


Lens require the mobile app to view (I deleted the mobile app), and also are extremely compressed / low quality to be honest. I don't think it's a good Patreon feature, and I haven't seen a creator really use it successfully, but maybe you could be the first!


Lens sounds like it is a very similar to SnapChat with it's 24-hour time stamp. I may not be fond of the 24-hour time-stamp, but I've grown to us SnapChat more often. It's a different way to express what you're doing/working on without spoiling everyone, but only the few who are extremely interested in what's coming up next. I'd consider getting lens to check out the behind the scenes stuff though.


Personally I tend to “binge watch” so I may not touch your content for a while and then watch the entire catalog all the way through. So ephemeral videos or stills or text doesn’t do much. I say if you’re going to put time into creating something, even a casual 90 seconds of posting a photo or something, work the long tail and let it live.


So, with everything that was said here in the comments, I'm not interested. I mean, I AM curious about the content itself, but if it's only available to the mobile app users, I wouldn't have any way to access it anyways. Also, I'm absolutely not a fan of the 24h time limit.


Vote no for mobile app as well as no to expiring content. Someday I'd prolly chip in some money and a growing set of locked posts is enough of a carrot to encourage paying


I love behind the scenes stuff, but the temporary Lens way of doing it seems a bit 'meh'. I'd rather just watch a behind the scenes vid on how you do what you do. Software, capture, editing etc.


I like the Lens stuff I've seen on other people's patreons. Seeing short snippets keeps me checking the app, which is probably the intended goal of the featuee. I think as the creator you have the option to save and export Lens videos, too.