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Hey guys its me!  The StarCrafts Season 6 Finale is right around the corner, we will be airing it next weekend (Oct 26th-28th) dates arent yet set in stone, and a trailer for it will be released this saturday.   We are in the editing process, the full finale is just shy of 10 minutes, which is massive!  Cant wait to show you guys.  it may be cut into 2-3 parts depending on editing. 

We wanted to give you a heads up that it is the equivalent of 4 of our regular episodes and will be treated as such on patreon.  So itll be charged 4 times.  That will bring a total of 6 this month (the trailer weekend does not count) so if that is over your limit be sure to put a limit on your pledge.

This one is a big one and is the second last season for StarCrafts (season 7 will end the story, so we still have 1 more season to go to finish the story we are telling with patches and the rest) that said, there will be starcrafts episodes will be made from time to time, just not in any chronological order, or any story arc, etc.

 Thanks again everyone for your support, none of this would have been possible without the all the generous people here (you!) thank you for making our dreams and passions come true every week, and we hope to continue to make you laugh, smile every weekend with our cartoons and maybe a tear of endearment every now and again :D

With lots of gratitude & love

Jonathan Burton



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