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Emma sat nervously in the stadium, waiting for her name to be called. After four long years, she was finally done with school, about to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in fine arts. Her girlfriend, Lita, was waiting in the front row of the bleachers to greet her once she was done. Lita had graduated last year and was running a successful daycare facility in town.

Emma remembered the first time she’d met Lita two years prior. The short and waiflike brunette had fallen instantly for the tall, curvy blond that just exuded “motherhood”. She’d kept a distracted Emma from stepping into the street and getting hit by a car. Emma had to admit that, if it weren’t for Lita, she would’ve dropped out of college. Not only did Lita make certain that Emma kept positive study habits, but Lita also made certain Emma ate healthily and had someone to talk to when she needed to destress.

If there was one thing that Emma found quirky, if lovable, about her girlfriend, it was her daily ritual to “align Emma’s energies in a positive direction”, whatever that meant. Most nights, the pair spent their time watching one streaming service or another with Lita sitting up and Emma resting her head on Lita’s lap. After they’d been together for a year, Emma had put on almost thirty pounds, gaining some pleasant curves, though not as curvy as Lita was. In addition, Lita had opened up about her kink, namely as a Dominant. It was rare for Lita to ask Emma to do anything truly odd, but Emma secretly felt Lita was holding something back.

Fidgeting in her seat, Emma wore her cap and gown over a pink sundress that Lita had insisted she wear underneath, Emma waited for her name to be called. She absently spun the pink crystal with her fingers that was hanging as a pendant on a necklace around her neck. Lita had got it for her as a “graduation present”. Lita had said it was full of positive energies. Emma hoped it was.

There was a whisper down her row that was her cue to stand up. Emma took a deep breath and stood, letting go of the crystal. As she stood, her balance felt a bit off. It was peculiar, but Emma chalked it up to the Mary Jane’s that Lita had bought her for the outfit. She still wasn’t used to walking in them.

Emma gradually made her way to the end of the row before turning. Her breasts swayed a bit under her gown and dress. Swayed? Emma’s breasts, even after all the weight she’d put on, had only been C-cups and, even then, on the smallish side. She could get away with wearing a B-cup bra most of the time. Looking down, though, her breasts looked larger. Maybe it was a trick of the light and how the gown fit on her. Someone behind her hissed, bringing Emma’s focus back to the ceremony and she started to walk forward.

As she did, with each step, her legs were forced apart. Emma felt a strange bulkiness growing between her thighs with each step. There was no way to figure out what it was, though, as she was in the middle of everyone and making her way to the stage. Still, as she made her way forward, something was comforting and familiar about the feeling. By the time she made it to the steps, Emma was practically waddling.

When Emma took the steps up the stairs to the stage, her breasts bounced with each step. When she made it to the top, she had a moment to look down. Her eyes widened. She didn’t just have breasts. Her girls were now as big as watermelons. They definitely classified as “boobs” or “tits” and the crystal Lita had given her hung enticingly between them. It was all Emma could do not to play with it again.

“Emma Leonidas!”

Emma looked up as her name was called. This was her moment! She was finally going to graduate! Now if only she didn’t need to pee so badly. She tried not to fidget as the woman continued.

“Graduating from pre-school with honors! This gifted little girl has even learned to read and write!” the woman handing out the degrees shouted with pride.

“Wait. Little girl? Preschool? I’m twenty-three!” Emma thought indignantly as she stepped forward. As she took the paper in her hand, she couldn’t hold it anymore and her bladder released. Warmth spread between her legs. She felt her cheeks flush as she stood there in embarrassment. She was certain that, if she looked down, she’d be standing in a puddle.

“Emma, your mommy is waiting for you,” the woman whispered to Emma.

“Mommy?” Emma asked out loud. She looked at the other end of the stage and there was Lita with a huge smile on her face. “My mommy dommy,” Emma thought happily, uncertain where the thought came from. She waddled forward, the bulk between her legs spreading her legs even further.

A woman was standing next to Lita whom Emma didn’t recognize wearing stretch pants, a blouse, and a red crystal hanging much like Emma’s. “She’s such a cutie, Lita,” the woman said. “Did you have to put her in such a thick diaper, though?”

“Diaper?” Emma thought. “Well, that would explain the bulk between my legs and the lack of a puddle. Why am I okay with this, though?” When she got to the stairs, Lita offered her a hand and helped her down the stairs before hugging Emma close. Her hands went around Emma’s backside and squeezed her bottom. Emma couldn’t help but giggle. Her head rested against Lita’s chest. “Mommy,” Emma thought.

“Good girl,” Lita whispered before leading Emma back to her seat. As Emma sat down, she realized how many of the women in her class were wearing what she’d have considered childish hairstyles before. Emma wished her mommy had put her hair in pigtails. She sat there and waited for the ceremony to finish. All the girls were graduating from “pre-school” while all the boys were getting normal degrees. It was super weird. Still, maybe this was a special school. Emma couldn’t remember. She knew she was old enough to drink, even if Lita made her drink the “special grape juice” out of a sippy cup. At least she was a big enough girl to drink from a sippy cup instead of a bottle. The only things Emma liked to suck on were her pacifier, her mommy’s nipples, and her clit.

Thinking about that made Emma all tingly. She fidgeted in her seat again thinking about how mommy would rub her before, during, and after changing her diaper. It didn’t occur to her that this had never happened before. It seemed only natural that Mommy Lita would make her changes extra special for her special girl. As another row filed out, Emma felt the need to pee again. This time, she didn’t even try to hold it. After all, Mommy Lita had diapered her, right?

She relaxed and sighed with relief as she flooded her diapers. The caramel-skinned girl next to her smiled and gave her a knowing look. Much like Emma, the girl was short, curvy, pretty, and had boobs almost as big as Emma’s. Emma had seen her before in one of the student lounges.

“We should talk to our mommies about a play date,” the girl whispered to Emma. “I’m Teresa.” She gestured toward the dark-skinned woman holding what was very obviously a diaper bag and was sitting a few seats down from Lita.

Emma bit her lip. She’d never played with another baby girl before and the thought made her very horny. “I’d like that,” Emma admitted.

The girl smiled and then blushed. “I hope this is over soon,” Teresa said, looking down. “I need a change soon.”

“Me too,” Emma said, smiling at Teresa.

The woman on the stage asked for everyone to stand and applaud the graduating class. Emma and Teresa did so, as did everyone else. The two girls beamed at the applause. Everyone was then excused. The two women waited their turn, with Emma following Teresa. Emma could tell that Teresa had to be wearing a very thick diaper under her gown. Emma wondered if her own diaper was just as noticeable. Part of her hoped so. There was something subtly naughty about people being aware that she was diapered.

“Oh, hello, Teresa,” Lita said as the pair approached her, the woman Lita had been talking to earlier, and Teresa’s “mommy”. “Monique, you didn’t tell me that your little girl was graduating, too,” Lita noted as the dark-skinned woman hugged Teresa. Emma looked back and forth curiously. She’d never met either of them.

“Mommy,” a woman said behind Emma, “I need a change.”

Emma turned to see what she felt was an Amazon standing behind her. She was tall, perhaps not as busty as Teresa or Emma, but still a pleasantly curvy woman, though her muscles were toned far more than Teresa or Emma’s muscles were. Her black hair was streaked with pastel pink and kept in pigtails that went down past her shoulders.

“Okay, Janey,” the woman that Lita had been speaking to before said, moving past Emma to hug the woman who was easily a foot taller than she was. Her hands gave a knowing squeeze around the woman’s butt, causing Janey to blush. Emma realized Janey must be diapered, too. She wondered if all the women graduating “pre-school” were likewise diapered.

“Emma, this is my good friend Felicity. We’re old friends while Monique is my partner at the daycare,” Lita explained. “I meant to introduce you, but you were always at school when I was working. This is her little girl,” and Lita paused to grin, “Janey. Janey and Teresa both spend time at our daycare.”

“Mommy, can Emma and I have a play date?” Teresa pleaded. “I’ll be good, I promise.”

Felicity smiled but kept hugging her big adult baby girl. “You know, I think the three of them need to see their surprise for being such big girls and graduating pre-school,” Felicity said, winking at Lita.

“Oh, I agree,” Lita said, slipping an arm around Emma. Emma bit her lip as she waddled where her mommy guided her. Outside was the minivan Lita usually drove. Before helping her inside, Lita helped Emma out of her gown. The sundress underneath, which would have gone down below Emma’s knees, now barely covered her diapered waist. Emma was sure that, if she leaned over, her diapers would peek out.

She was helped into the middle seat of the minivan and watched as Monique helped Teresa out of her gown while Felicity did the same for Janey. Teresa was wearing a similar sundress to Emma’s, though hers was yellow. Janey was wearing a pink crop top and matching yoga pants. Both, like Emma, had pink crystals hanging from necklaces around their necks. “Well, all our mommies are friends, so it only makes sense that they’d get us similar gifts,” Emma thought as Lita buckled her in. Emma smiled as Lita put a large pacifier to her lips. Emma started to suck on it, wishing it were Lita’s nipple instead.

Teresa got in next to Emma and, as Lita had for Emma, Monique buckled her in and put a pacifier in her mouth. “Felicity and Janey will be coming in Felicity’s SUV,” Monique said before closing the side door. She then got in on the passenger side while Lita got in the driver’s seat. They left not long after.

As the four of them drove, Teresa’s hand moved to Emma’s thigh. She looked at Emma questioningly. Emma smiled around her pacifier and moved Teresa’s hand between her legs and against her thick, wet diaper. Emma moaned into the pacifier as Teresa began to rub her, making her wet in other ways. Teresa kept backing off just as Emma was about to climax. By the time they got to what Emma realized was the daycare Mommy owned, Emma was extremely horny and wanted to cum so bad that the only thing preventing her from begging for release was the pacifier in her mouth.

When the side door opened, Monique gave the pair a knowing look and unbuckled Teresa before helping her out of the van. She gave Teresa’s diapered but a swat, the sound of it a playful thud, before guiding Teresa inside. Emma squirmed as Lita unbuckled her. “Do you have something you need to tell mommy?” Lita asked teasingly, removing the pacifier.

“I need to cum, Mommy,” Emma said. She couldn’t help it. Even though she was sitting here in a thick, wet, diaper, she needed to cum more than she needed to hide such an embarrassing fact. “Please can I cummies?” Emma pleaded. “I need it so…”

Lita cut her off by kissing Emma’s lips soundly. Emma felt something buzzing against her wet pussy and heard it hum. Her eyes rolled back in pleasure as she sucked on Lita’s tongue while the buzzy wand pressed against her pussy, through the warm wet diaper. In moments, Emma was quaking as she reached the orgasm she’d been seeking. “I love being mommy’s adult baby girl,” she thought once she was capable of rational thought.

Lita turned off the wand and slid it behind the middle seat before replacing the pacifier in Emma’s mouth and helping her weak-kneed baby girl out of the van. Emma turned her head to see Felicity guiding Janey into the daycare. Emma waved weakly as Lita led her into the daycare as well.

Part of Emma wasn’t certain what to expect. Part of her thought this was a daycare for kids. She was half right. It was for big girls who never stopped being little girls. There was a sign on the wall that explicitly stated that “Anyone entering the main facilities that are not staff must be diapered at all times, including caregivers.” Emma stared curiously at Felicity, who was wearing stretch pants. She hadn’t noticed before, but Felicity was also wearing a pendant and was also thickly diapered under her stretch pants. Her crystal was red, though, while the ones that Janey, Emma, and Teresa wore were all pink. Felicity and Lita also had crystals, but theirs were black. Emma was certain that had to mean something, but she was too lost in her post-orgasmic bliss to think of what it could be.

Emma was led over to what looked like an oversized daybed next to a bunch of adult-sized baby toys, like blocks and rattles. She smiled as Monique led Teresa over to an adult-sized changing table. Supplies were already out: baby wipes, baby powder, and plenty of diapers.

Lita took Emma’s sundress off and then took off Emma’s bra. It was so nice that her bra was the same pink as her diapers. Mommy Lita helped her get dressed every morning, making certain Emma looked cute and pretty. She was her mommy’s submissive diapered princess.

Lita patted Emma’s diapered butt. “You most certainly need a change, baby doll,” Lita said with a smile, taking Emma’s hand and guiding her to another changing table. Emma smiled around the pacifier as she heard Teresa’s moans and the familiar hum of a vibrating wand. Emma hopped up on the adult-sized changing table and laid down, knees bent.

As Lita changed Emma’s wet diapers, Emma had the silly realization that she couldn’t see her diaper being changed past her boobies. “That’s okay,” Emma thought, “because Mommy Lita will take care of me.” Her head turned and she sucked on her pacifier. She moaned in pleasure as Lita wiped her pussy with a baby wipe. Emma was almost reflexive in lifting her bottom to let Lita remove the wet diaper and wipe her behind. Then came a fresh disposable diaper and plenty of baby powder. Emma loved the smell of baby powder.

Emma watched as Teresa, clad only in a think, lavender diaper, waddled over to her, biting her lip. “Mommy said I was naughty and I’m not to cummy in my diapee unless you make me cum. It’s only fair,” Teresa said with a pout.

“Emma, doll,” Lita said, taping the sides, “do you think that’s fair?” She waited for a moment. Emma sucked on the pacifier and smiled at Lita but said nothing. She’d graduated pre-school. She wasn’t a dummy. Lita laughed and kissed Emma’s forehead. “Good girl. Mommy was testing you.” Lita removed the pacifier from Emma’s lips. “Just for that, you’ll get extra cookies for dessert.”

“Am I mommy’s good girl?” Emma asked, wiggling her hips and enjoying the feeling of a dry diaper.

“You’re a very good girl,” Lita replied.

Emma smiled and looked at Teresa. “It’s completely fair, but you won’t get to cummies until both Janey and I cummies first,” Emma answered. Teresa blushed and looked down, but Emma could tell by her smile that Teresa liked the idea. Lita helped Emma off the changing table and took both Emma and Teresa’s hands and led them back to the large daybed where a similarly clad Janey was holding an oversized pink teddy bear.

“So, what’s this surprise, mommy?” Emma asked.

Lita arched her eyebrow. “Well, girls, your mommies and I have decided that, since you graduated pre-school, you’d be the first to start at our special school here at Adult Baby Care,” Lita explained as Teresa crawled up next to the much taller Janey. Janey set the teddy bear aside, ignoring Lita as her hands began to explore Teresa’s body. “Janey’s already started, receiving extra lessons in sapphic philosophy and massage,” Lita explained. Lita leaned over and touched her black crystal against Janey’s pink crystal before doing the same to Teresa’s. Emma thought she felt the pink crystal between her boobs vibrate. Lita then walked over and touched Emma’s crystal with Lita’s black crystal.

Lita smiled. “You’re all such good girls,” Lita said, reaching around to undo the necklace around Emma’s neck. Felicity and Monique were doing the same with their adult baby girls. Lita gathered the pendants before patting Emma’s diapered butt. “Now go play with your new friends, Emma doll. Mommy needs to go talk with the other grown-ups.”

Emma bit her lip and made her way to the daybed. She laid down next to Janey, her hands exploring the muscular girl’s curves while Teresa began to rub both women through their diapers. Emma began to moan until Janey kissed her, her soft lips against Emma, her tongue parting them. Emma lost herself to the sensation, a content, and horny diaper girl.

“And thus, the spell is concluded,” Lita said to Monique and Felicity. Monique watched the three adult baby girls pleasuring each other, taking turns humping their diapers against each other and playing with each other’s breasts. Felicity gave a longing look. Monique saw it and winked at Lita. Lita smiled. “Having second thoughts, kitten?” Lita asked. Felicity and Lita had been lovers years ago. It was Lita that got Felicity into diapers in the first place. As far as Felicity knew, the spell they’d done required three people and came with a strict requirement: that the three of them had to take care of the adult baby girls they’d magically changed. Felicity intentionally altered her small part of the spell. She had to wear diapers now, too.

“Can I… can I go play with them like a little girl?” Felicity asked shyly. “That won’t ruin the spell, well it?”

Monique smiled and swatted her diapered bottom playfully. “Go. Play. I think we’ve all earned it.” Felicity smiled and wiggled out of her clothes. Her diaper was a little wet but not in need of a change. “If you need a change, you come to Mommy Lita or me, okay kitten?”

“Yes, Aunty Monique,” Felicity said with a big smile. She waddled over to the day bed and happily joined in on the cuddling, caressing, and diaper play that the other three diapered girls were enjoying.

“She’s to never know,” Lita said. “She was never going to be happy in charge. We’re responsible for the four of them now.”

Monique nodded. She turned and wrapped her arms around Lita. “Just tell me, Lita. Was it really my idea to let you be ‘mommy’ while I’m ‘auntie’ to each of them except Teresa?”

Lita smiled and said nothing and kissed Monique’s lips. She alone knew that Monique’s crystal was a slightly lighter shade than hers. She parted Monique’s lips with her tongue and groped Monique’s ass. Monique moaned into the kiss, pressing her bubble butt against Lita’s hands.

Lita was the one to break the kiss, leaving Monique breathless.

“You know, while all our little girls are occupied, why don’t I diaper you for a change?” Lita suggested.

“Okay, Mommy,” Monique said, not giving it a second thought.

Which, of course, she wouldn’t. After all, Lita was Mommy to all of them. That was her reality now and Adult Baby Care would make certain she could be the mommy to all her adult baby girls. She led Monique to her private office where she would change Monique into a thick diaper and cute outfit before letting Monique make her cum and then join the other girls for a nap. It was her new reality. Lita couldn’t wait.


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