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Alex looked at his monitor and the picture on it. He’d obscured his face, sure, but the thought of putting a picture of himself indulging in his kink made him a little nervous. This was the first time he’d ever done so. He was still wearing the outfit. The cute pink midriff had satin frills and went around his chest, emphasizing the enormous silicone breasts that he was wearing. They were each almost as big as his head. His skin was silky smooth, thanks to electrolysis. Down further was a thick, disposable diaper that had a booster pad inside and was covered by a pair of translucent pink plastic pants. His diaper was now soaked. It hadn’t been when he’d taken the pictures. Over that, he was also wearing a pair of pink tights. They only made him look cuter.

To be on the safe side, he’d worn a cute pink wig and was sucking on an adult-sized pacifier when he’d taken the picture. He was certain that no one he knew would recognize him in the picture. Taking a deep breath for courage, he uploaded the picture to his profile. He was looking for a “mommy”, a “caregiver” that was into infantilism, a kink involving people that liked to act and dress like babies. His profile did show that he was gender fluid, leaning female, and a student at the local university.

Short of deleting his profile, there was no turning back, though, given the way sites like this worked, he doubted much would come of it. Alex started one of his favorite video games and ceased focusing on the fetish site.

About two hours later, he stood up and wet his diaper for a second time. His back hurt from how big the silicone forms were. Making his way to his bedroom, he undid the back of the breast forms that were more like a silicone sleeveless shirt and carefully took it off, cleaning both his chest and the inside of the breast forms before returning them to their box and into the wardrobe inside his walk-in closet. He then changed himself into a new diaper, noting that he’d need to trim around his crotch again soon, before laying down and going to sleep.

Alex awoke dry. It was the start of his weekend, and he didn’t have to go back to work until Tuesday, thanks to the holiday. He decided that he might as well wet the diaper he was wearing. He figured he’d change before he showered and after he had breakfast. Pulling on a pair of shorts over his diaper, he made his way to his kitchen, cell phone in his pocket, and made himself some cereal for breakfast, along with a sippy cup full of grape juice. Sitting down in front of his computer, he pulled up his email before taking a bite of cereal. To his surprise, there was already a reply to his personal ad. The person that responded to it seemed to be too good to be true. They were into board games, and cartoons, and loved how cute that “sissy_wittle” was. They were also from the area and sent a picture of themselves from the neck down and topless.

And then Alex got to the end.

“I can’t wait to see that diapered butt, sweetie. I just know you’ll be my baby girl forever, won’t you Alex? Why don’t you take me to dinner at Lou’s tonight, baby girl? I can’t wait to see more of that diapered butt.”

Alex froze. Setting the spoon down, he re-read the line three times. How did this person know that “sissy_wittle” was him? There was only one “Lou’s” in town. His fingers trembled as he sent a reply. “How does 6 PM sound?”

At 5:45 PM, Alex pulled up into Lou’s. He was diapered underneath his shorts and his polo was something he normally wore. Besides, Lou’s wasn’t what he’d consider “fine dining”. Italian casual, maybe. They did have good tortellini. He walked in. Looking around for anyone he might know, he didn’t see anyone. The Hostess asked him how many for his table. “Just two,” he said nervously. “I hope,” he thought. Waiting there, he began to fidget, wishing he hadn’t had so much tea earlier. He barely heard the door open behind him over the din of the restaurant, so was surprised when he felt a hand on his butt.

“Hey, there, baby girl,” a woman’s voice whispered in his ear. He was so startled that he wet his diaper in surprise. The woman walked around him. Alex recognized her and realized why she must’ve known it was him. The woman, Victoria, had been part of the board game group he’d had over at his place on occasion. She must have recognized his living room. She just smiled at him. “I don’t think either of us expected this,” she said, slipping an arm around his waist. Alex secretly loved that she was taller than him normally and even more so in heels.

“No, I can’t say I did,” Alex admitted. Just then, his name was called. The pair were led to their table. Alex’s heart was racing. Victoria’s face was serene, though there was a bit of a smug smile on her lips. They both ordered. As they sat there, Alex felt Victoria’s foot trace up his leg.

“So, here’s the good news. I’m more into girls than guys, but you’re close enough,” Victoria said. “We’re already acquainted so I’m willing to take this a step further, but I’m going to lay down some ground rules. First thing first, cutey, no one else will find out about this. I’m not going to tell people that we met for more than a dinner date. Nothing that happens after dinner is anyone’s business but ours. Second, tonight is a trial period. I’m going to push you to do things you may not like. If at any point you think I’ve gone too far, the safe word is ‘innovation’. If you say it tonight, there won’t be an us. I need to make sure you’re willing to go as far as I want to. Last, I don’t do pain, outside of some playful spanking, and I don’t do number two.” Victoria pinched her nose by way of explanation. “If you pay for dinner, I’m going to take that as a yes, otherwise we go ‘Dutch’ and our separate ways.”

Alex nodded, assimilating what Victoria had said while also looking at the plus-sized woman in a new light. He’d thought her pretty and cute but thinking of her as a potential “mommy” had been so outside the realm of possibility that he hadn’t considered it. She continued to tease his leg with her foot to the point that his cock was straining inside his wet diaper. She then talked about her classes and a board game she wanted to try out. After they were finished eating, the waiter asked if it was one check or two.

“One,” Alex said. Victoria smiles.

Victoria knew where Alex’s place was and met him there. The little one-bedroom was part of a duplex. As soon as the pair were inside and their shoes were off, Victoria said her oversized pink bag aside, tugged Alex’s shorts off, and smiled. “Does mommy’s little girl need a change?” Victoria asked. Alex blushed and nodded. “Then show mommy where your diapers are. First, though,” Victoria said, sliding her hands up Alex’s sides. Alex lifted his arms as Victoria lifted his polo over his head. “Now, where are your diapers, sweetie?”

Alex led the way to his bedroom and opened the walk-in closet. There was a chest and wardrobe at one end. Victoria pointed to Alex’s bed. “You sit there and wait for mommy,” Victoria demanded. Alex nodded and made his way to the bed, watching Victoria with keen interest as she dug through his wardrobe. She came out of the closet with a pink disposable diaper, a silk bra, and the two breast forms Alex had been wearing the day before. “So, first things first let’s get you changed,” Victoria said, setting the boxed-up breast forms on Alex’s nightstand. Alex laid down and watched as Victoria removed the tapes from his diapers. “Someone was soaked,” Victoria teased, tickling Alex’s belly. Alex couldn’t help but giggle. She then removed the wet diaper, rolled it up, and looked around, noticing the large metal trash bin in the closet. “That explains why I never noticed before. Baby girl was playing hide and seek with mommy, wasn’t she?”

“Me sorry,” Alex said in toddler talk. “Me be good baby girl for mommy from now on.”

Dumping the diaper in the bin, Victoria walked of and crooked her pinky. “Pinky swear?”

Alex grinned and hooked his finger with Victoria’s. “Pinky swear.”

“Good girl,” Victoria said, unfolding the diaper. She went back into the closet for a booster, baby wipes, baby powder, and a pair of pink, satin, pettipanties. She slid the diaper along with the booster under Alex’s butt. “It’s too bad you want to be a girl so much. You have such a nice sissy clitty.” Victoria said as she wiped Alex’s cock clean. She then sprinkled plenty of baby powder over his dick, rubbing it and stroking him.

Victoria could see Alex fighting to hold back, to keep himself from orgasming. It was perfect. Just when she was certain he would cum at any moment, she stopped and pulled the diaper snuggly between his legs, taping the sides. The whimper he gave was adorable and Victoria took that moment to slide the pettipanties up his legs and around his diaper. “Since you’re being a good girl,” Victoria said, “I’m going to reward you, little girl.” She began to rub him through the diapers, causing him to moan.

“Please, mommy, can baby girl cummies?” Alex pleaded. He was so turned on that he knew he wouldn’t last much longer.

“Baby sluts cum in their diapers. What does that make you?” Victoria teased.

“I’m mommy’s diaper slut,” Alex admitted, being both embarrassed and turned on by being forced to admit it.

“That’s right. You’re my diaper slut. Now cum in your diapers like a good girl,” Victoria said.

Alex’s eyes closed as his body shuddered, his dick throbbing in his diaper. “No,” he thought, “my sissy-clit, like mommy said it was.” Victoria continued to milk his cock. She had him now. It wouldn’t be long before he did exactly what she wanted.

Victoria smiled as Alex relaxed and his dick softened. “I’m going to tell you now, baby girl, that I’m not looking for a sexual thing. It may eventually get there, but this was me rewarding you for being a good girl for me. From now on, when and if you masturbate, when and if we have sex, that’s strictly up to me, though I will never force you to have sex. I imagine, though, you enjoyed that little reward, didn’t you, baby girl?”

Alex nodded. “Yes, mommy.” Part of him wanted out of the diaper after a sexual release but he wanted to make a good impression on Victoria. “Can me talk like a grown-up?”

To Alex’s surprise, Victoria shook her head no. “I’m not done being mommy yet, and I won’t be until tomorrow,” Victoria said. “Now, I like taking care of people. I’ve heard some of the stuff you’ve told your friends. Well, from now on, if my little girl needs someone to talk to, mommy wants to hear about it. Also, I expect you to be my baby girl except when we’re in public or when people are over. Do you have any issues with being diapered twenty-four-seven?”

Alex crinkled his nose. “Only if me expected to make poopies,” he explained.

Victoria kissed Alex’s forehead. “I don’t want to clean them up. For now, I’m going to trust you to not abuse that bathroom privilege, baby girl. Also, from now on, again, unless we’re in public or people are over, your name is Lexi, not Alex, okay? Alex is an icky boy’s name and you’re mommy’s baby girl, right?”

“Uh-huh,” Lexi agreed. She bit her lip, and her eyes went to the boxes that had her silicone forms in them. “Mommy, if I’m a girl, can me have big boobies?”

Victoria giggled. “Sure, baby girl. Let mommy help you put them on.” It took some effort, though less than if Lexi was trying to put the breasts forms on and get the back closed by herself. There was a cute pink collar in the box which Victoria slid around Lexi’s neck, conveniently hiding where the forms stopped.

Victoria moved onto Lexi’s bed beside her new “baby girl”. Lexi snuggled up against her, Lexi’s head resting gently against Victoria’s chest. Victoria stroked Lexi’s hair as Lexi relaxed. “School starts soon, sweetie. You better make sure that I have your schedule so I can come to check to see if your diaper is wet.”

Lexi’s eyes widened at that. Was she serious? “But where would you change me, mommy?”

“There are some single-stall unisex bathrooms,” Victoria said, reaching down to grope Lexi’s diapered, pettipanty-covered bottom, “though I don’t think you’ll fit on the changing tables, sweetie.” Victoria giggled at the thought.

Lexi’s “sissy clit” began to stiffen again. To Lexi’s surprise, Victoria began to rub her adult baby girl through her diapers. Lexi buried her face against Victoria’s ample bosom to stifle the moan. Just when Lexi thought they might cum, Victoria moved her hand up to one of Lexi’s silicone breasts, caressing it as if they were real boobs. Lexi whimpered which caused Victoria to smile.

“If baby cums in her diaper without mommy’s permission, my baby girl will be punished,” Victoria warned. She then moved her hand back down to Lexi’s crotch and, again, began to stroke her baby girl’s “sissy clit”. “I know you’re just a sweet little diaper slut for mommy, baby girl, but you know the rules.”

Lexi bit her diapers, for the first time that day thinking of herself as a girl instead of an “icky boy”. Her hips rocked of their own accord against her mommy’s hand. “But baby sluts are supposed to cummie, mommy,” Lexi whined. She knew she wouldn’t last much longer.

Victoria smiled at that before kissing the top of Lexi’s head. “I know that, baby girl, but you’re to do as I said and you are not to cum unless I tell you to, even if I’m rubbing that nice, big, sissy clitty through

those adorable, thick diapers.” With each word she emphasized, she rubbed Lexi through the diaper. At the last word, she felt Lexi’s hips jerk and heard the muffled moan as Lexi buried her face against Victoria’s chest. She felt Lexi’s “sissy clit” throb as she came in her diapers for the second time tonight. “Looks like someone is being naughty,” Victoria teased.

Lexi was lost in the bliss of cumming in her diapers. No one had ever made her do this and the loss of control was fantastic. She was too euphoric to care about any punishment. Victoria continued to milk Lexi’s “sissy clit” until she was spent. Laying there, she watched as Victoria slid out of the bed.

Victoria considered taking a picture of her baby girl for a moment, but she wasn’t that cruel. “Come on, baby girl. I’m going to let you watch some cartoons while I consider your punishment,” Victoria said, though she already knew what she had planned. It really wasn’t much of a punishment at all. “I expect you to crawl into the bedroom, little girl.”

“Yes, mommy,” Lexi replied. Her huge fake boobs did make that a bit tricky and crawling through the hardwood floors of the kitchen hurt a bit, but it didn’t take Lexi long to make it into the living room. Victoria had already put on an anime they both liked, Tenchi Muyo, but had made her way to the kitchen for reasons Lexi wasn’t certain. When Victoria brought back the oversized baby bottle that Lexi had tucked away, likely full of juice, Lexi smiled and put her hands up. She sat cross-legged next to the couch and began to drink from the bottle happily.

Victoria had grabbed some chips to munch on and sat down on the couch. She patted beside her, and Lexi made her way up to snuggle against Victoria, still drinking the one-liter bottle. By the third episode, the bottle was finished, and Lexi needed to pee. Smiling, she relaxed and let go, flooding her diaper. When she was done, Victoria patted the front of her soggy diaper. “Good girl, though you’re still going to get punished, sweetie,” Victoria got up, grabbed the bottle, and returned to the kitchen, only to bring back another filled bottle. “I expect you to drink that, too, baby girl,” Victoria said, moving to sit back down, handing the bottle to Lexi.

It was starting to get late. Lexi was certain that Victoria would likely be staying the night. The bottle was almost empty, Lexi knew she wouldn’t be able to hold back much longer and wet again, hoping she wouldn’t leak. The booster helped with that.

Again, Victoria patted Lexi’s crotch. “We’ll get you changed for bed once this episode is done. Is it safe for my baby to wear her boobies to bed?” Victoria asked curiously.

“Yes, mommy, but the collar can be uncomfortable,” Lexi replied. Victoria undid the collar before kissing Lexi’s neck. The pair finished watching the episode while Lexi’s diaper grew clammy. Lexi wanted a change before she did leak, certain that her diapers wouldn’t take another wetting.

When the episode ended, Victoria stood up. “One more rule tonight, baby girl. Unless you’re holding mommy’s hand, I expect you to toddle or crawl everywhere in the house when I’m here or unless we have company, okay?”

Lexi nodded and reached for Victoria’s hand, who helped her stand up, her diaper sagging quite a bit. Victoria led Lexi over to the bag that Victoria has set aside earlier and then back into the bedroom. Lexi laid down and watched as Victoria changed her. She closed her eyes and sighed happily as she rested

her hips on the clean diaper Victoria had slid underneath her. She was so content… until she felt something cold pressing against her ass. Her eyes became wide as she looked down.

Victoria clicked her tongue. “Mommy told you that you were going to be punished, so, tonight, you’re going to have this cute butt plug up your baby butt all night. If you relax, you might even like it.”

Lexi had fantasized about this but didn’t own a butt plug. She took a few deep breaths, trying to relax as Victoria slowly pushed the plug into Lexi’s ass. Lexi whimpered but also felt her “sissy clit” harden as the plug filled her more and more. Part of her was astonished that she’d been hard three times today. As the plug stopped, she wiggled her hips, enjoying the sensation. Victoria then taped her diaper snugly between her legs.

“Close your eyes, sweetie,” Victoria said, teasing Lexi through her diaper once more. Lexi did as she was told. Victoria stopped a moment later, then Lexi heard rustling from where Victoria had been. She then felt the bed shift. “You can open your eyes now,” Victoria said. Lexi turned to where Victoria’s voice was and opened her eyes. She smiled as she saw that Victoria was now wearing a pink nighty and, to Lexi’s surprise, a thick pink diaper. Victoria blushed a bit. “Sometimes, I still wet the bed. I didn’t think you’d mind.”

Lexi shook her head. She kissed her mommy’s lips and Victoria kissed pack, pulling her baby girl against her. “I want to be the big spoon,” Victoria said. Lexi nodded and turned in the bed obediently, feeling her butt plug with each movement. “Good girl,” Victoria said, wrapping on arm around her new, adult baby girl. Her hand began to stroke Lexi’s “sissy clit” through her diaper once more.

Lexi’s hips rolled, which just increased the sensation from the butt plug. “Pwease, can baby slut cummies, mommy? Me will do anything if mommy lets me cummie in my diapee.”

“Then go ahead and cum, baby girl,” Victoria said with a smile, “but know that I’m going to hold you to that.”

As Lexi came in her diaper for the third time that day, she worried about just what Victoria had planned for her.


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