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“I’m sorry, Thomas,” I heard my wife say, “but this just isn’t working anymore. I’ve tried to deny it but I’m just not interested in men anymore.”

Melina and I had been married for three years. She’d been my best friend through high school and college and we’d gotten married shortly after graduating. On the table in front of her were divorce papers. I stared at them blankly. Part of me wanted to scream. My feelings for her hadn’t changed. I loved her today as much as I had loved her the day we met. Still, the look on her face was pained. “So, you’re saying the problem is me. That I’m a guy?”

Melina sighed. “It’s not just that but it’s a part of it. I’m not sure you’d understand if I told you. You’re a great person, Thomas, but you’re just not what I need in my life.”

“What you need?” I asked rhetorically. My brain was searching for a solution. I didn’t want her to leave. She was my everything. My thoughts wandered to our wedding, at how happy she’d been, of us dancing together. She was just the slightest bit shorter than I was, thin and busty. She’d look gorgeous in her wedding gown. I was tone and fit, though the tux was a little snug, she’d told me I looked amazing. I remembered sitting down after the dance and being approached by Melina’s aunt with a small box and brass skeleton key.

My eyes widened. The box. Of course! She said it was a key to a fairy tale romance. Melina had laughed it off and we’d never opened the box. I leaped from my chair and rushed to the walk-in closet in our bedroom, ignoring the luggage that was sitting on the bed. Reaching up, I grabbed the small chest and key. My fingers trembled as I opened it. Inside was a pink vial with a tag that read “drink me”.

“What are you doing?” Melina asked, brushing back her raven bangs.

“Saving our marriage,” I said. My lips trembled as I popped the lid of the vial and quaffed the contents. I noticed the look of shock on Melina’s face a moment before I passed out.

When I came to, my head felt fuzzy. I could tell that I was laying down. I could also tell I was mostly naked, though there was something around my crotch. I tried to sit up but my body felt too heavy. I was able to tilt my neck up and see that I was in our bed and Melina was staring at me, a look of concern on her face. My voice croaked as I tried to speak. Melina moved over to touch my cheek. “Shh… it’s okay, sweetie. Such a silly man to take such a risk,” she said, her fingers light against my skin. Her fingers trailed down my naked body causing warmth to spread through it. “I’d never thought you’d ever drink that. My aunt is a mischievous one. I have no doubt she knew that I’d be tempted to have you drink the potion. I doubt she’d expect you’d take it without my prompting.”

“Potion?” I asked, my voice cracking. “Magic is real?”

Melina nodded. “There are rules to it, of course. It can’t be forced on anyone, but you, sweet, loveable you decided you’d do anything to keep us together.”

“Love you,” I whispered.

“I know baby, but things are going to happen to you now that I can’t stop, and neither can you,” she said with a wistful sigh. “You see, you drank a potion designed to give me exactly what I wanted in a lover and a soulmate. Someone who was into the same desires I had, as strange as they may be. As a man, you weren’t what I truly wanted. Now…” Melina cupped the swelling flesh at the top of my chest, causing me to give a girlish moan. “Now,” she explained, “you’re about to become everything I desire. Try not to freak out too much, okay, baby doll.”

Something about her calling me a baby made me happy, though I didn’t understand why. The fact that I was growing breasts, though? That was a tad startling. Tilting my chin down further, I could see down my body and was surprised to see, of all things, that I was diapered in a cute pink diaper. It should have alarmed me. I’d never even considered diapers as cute, much less something I should be wearing, but it clicked in my head that this was right. I should wear diapers of course. They make me look adorable and looking adorable made me happy. I looked back at my still swelling chest. My breasts were easily the size of baseballs now and still growing.

“I’m growing boobies,” I said with a giggle. I never giggled. Still, it felt natural so I went with it.

Melina smiled at me. “Well, yes, you have boobies now, sweetie,” she said, brushing her thumb against one of my nipples, “but, if you’re going to turn into what I desire, you’re going to have very large boobies.” I won’t lie. Even before this, the thought of a woman with huge tits turned me on. Now, the thought of becoming a woman with huge tits turned me on even more. I was able to move my hands up to my still-growing breasts and squeezed them. I moaned again and my widening hips rose as pleasure coursed through my body. Melina giggled at me. “Baby likes playing with her boobies, doesn’t she?”

She? Well, I did have boobs and my hips were getting wider. I smiled as I realized I was okay with that. After all, Melina wasn’t attracted to men, but she found women hot, right? A thought occurred to me and I turned my head to look at Melina. “If I’m a baby, does that make you my mommy?” I asked.

Melina smiled widely and nodded. “And you’re such a sexy baby girl, too,” she noted. Her hand slid down the diaper and between my legs. I don’t know what I was expecting.

When her fingers slid inside me and I felt my clit being rubbed for the first time, I cried out loud enough to wake the dead. My hands groped and squeezed my growing melons as Melina fingered my brand-new pussy. She kissed my forehead before pulling her hand out and licking her fingers clean. I pouted in response. “Baby wants to cummy, mommy,” I whimpered.

“I know, baby, but mommy has the perfect toy for her brand-new baby slut,” she said. She pulled out the massage wand she’d once told me was for her back and which I’d used as such on several occasions. This time, though, she pressed it between my diapered legs and against my diapered pussy. I couldn’t help but scream in pleasure. It wasn’t long before I was gripping the sheets of the bed as my body shook from my first female orgasm.

Melina sat the massage wand aside and moved next to me on the bed. Usually, I’d play big spoon to her little spoon but this time she was the big spoon. Snuggling up against her, I drifted in the post-orgasmic euphoria while her fingers idly stroked my now volleyball-sized tits. “Such a good girl. There’s still so much more to show you.”

To be continued…


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