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Hey guys, in order to better make this feel like a community, we are working on a Discord server for GWBG! I hope it will be fun and a cool way for us to meet you and hear your ideas - and just talk and have fun!

What do you all think? Something that you're into?



By the way - if you choose the cave - I'm coming in there and dragging you out!!


Please make a Discord server that would be awesome, I agree that it would be a great way to chat and share ideas/videos


Here is a link to the discord. I just got it setup, and I'm new to this. You'll see me (Dan) on there as DrGonzo. Feel free to give me suggestions or tips. I'm going to invite all the girls as well. Remember - we are all human so play nice :) - https://discord.gg/HyEG4Zew


I'll post the Discord link on Twitter and a few other places once I get some feedback from you guys.