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As I promised before I'm starting the release of an interesting project, called "Amber's Experiments". It will include a bunch of comics, showing Amber, doing her "job": testing her drugs, making genetic experiments, e.t.c.

I've decided to release the comics not in chronological, but in more actual and interesting order.

Ok, so. Here we goes with the experiment #026 which essentially the direct continuation of the "Two Problems at Once".  It will tells you more about what have happened after the events of the main comics. Hope you'll love of what I prepared for you!

In future I'm planning to release more of this experiments which will show you a lot of interesting things and despite of their seeming random-like order, they will tells you an interesting story about Amber.


I will also continue making "Furry Defenders VR 2" parallelly, that is ok.





Oh my!.. Can't wait for it ^^