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Hello everyone! The Shaya's story is almost ended, so I'm offering to you to vote for the theme of the next artwork. I'm planning to do one-paged adult comics (about two characters). You may offer any preferences about what you want to see in it. To make the process easier I'm offering you to fill the form: 1) Genders (m/m, m/f, f/f, other) 2) Theme/fetish (romantic, rape, bondage, etc) 3) Species of characters 4) Scene 5) Any other ideas I'll choose the most interesting ideas and will realise it in the comics. I'll try to use all of the offered ideas and to please everyone who will comment here! Voting available until 17th January. ____________________ PS Let me know are you interested in this kind of voting for the art or you want me to choose what to draw. Have a nice day <3


Robert (dark441)

H/H or H/F Bondage or rape^^ horse vixens giraffe