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Here will be the list of raffle tickets of my patrons. I'll add the new ones when they will come. The tickets will be allowed to every latest raffles, so the numbers will stay as they are. =)

If you've find any mistake with tickets or if you know better way to do this list,please feel free to share it with me in comments here.


001 - dark441 (Robert heyder)

002 - dark441 (Robert heyder)

003 - dark441 (Robert heyder)

004 - user?u=466853 (Leumas Asrov)

005 - user?u=243276 (Faviana)

006 - user?u=243276 (Faviana)

007 - user?u=164873 (Jari Laakso)

008 - user?u=164873 (Jari Laakso)

009 - user?u=448018 (Gregory Kauffman)

010 - user?u=626208 (Chad Benitez) 

011 - user?u=760646 (Maem)

012 - user?u=375632 (Kalriostraz)

013 - user?u=375632 (Kalriostraz)

014 - user?u=509554 (Jeremy Mikesell)

015 - user?u=509554 (Jeremy Mikesell)

016 - user?u=509554 (Jeremy Mikesell)

017 - user?u=509554 (Jeremy Mikesell)

018 - user?u=142697 (Draikon Arishean)

019 - user?u=142697 (Draikon Arishean)

020 - lativee (Auro Vee)

021 - user?u=953465 (Sky_Altruism)

022 - user?u=953465 (Sky_Altruism)

023 - elbrar

024 - elbrar

025 - elbrar

026 - elbrar

027 - user?u=560306 (Aaron Cardarelli)



O.o what is with the odd user Id things? "002 - user?u=243276 003 - user?u=269297" ??


This is address to the page. I think it will be better if I'll add names too ^^ It is just easy for me to find persons XD Will be fixed.