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Xiàbān Hòu! - Episode #49 - Face Filter Apocalypse

Today, we discuss and show the absolute apocalypse that is happening because of face filters in China, and how China has already created the ideal society of phone addicted people who are detached from reality. 

Today's show link - https://youtube.com/live/YUsaEHUlbVY?feature=share


Xiàbān Hòu! - Episode #49 - Face Filter Apocalypse

Xiàbān Hòu! - Episode #49 - Face Filter Apocalypse



Love the clip where lao ban turns into vinyl disc 😂


Terribly chill and cozy ep despite ppl dying and demons manifesting. Get well soon!


Can white tail deer make a comeback as a soundbite?


Was wonston created in a wuhan lab under the guidance of ballsack and configured using weak follower ai 5g?


it's a shame that face filters hide the natural beauty of some of these women, who are already very pretty. sometimes more beautiful without the filter


LMAO HOW IS Wonston's face sooo bad on that statue c-milk? He looks like an alien


Wonston was created in a wuhan lab under the guidance of ballsack and configured using weak follower ai 5g


Stonedwince is not wearing a tie, that's the only way, I could tell he wasn't there live.


Q What types of food, activities, or tourist attractions would you reccomend for me to give an American experience to my in laws visiting from China? If it matters they are southerners.

Donkey Dong

Q would the filter make raw pork look more appetizing?


I think my favorite part of this one was C-Milk's glee at pressing all the buttons. Capital idea :D


Like C-Milk running the sound board. Love the channel!

Gareth Lewis

Q) Why are all the shills such weirdos ? Every time I see them I always thing 'nonce' or 'check his hard drive'.

Gareth Lewis

Q) What is your opinion on the Food Ranger?


Can anyone remind me of the song for ay ay ay tong so wo la


Q. Did either of you two gents get to see any of the Summer Olympic events in 2008? I was living in Shandong province at the time and so went to Qingdao, as the sailing events were being held there (not a sailing fan...just wanted to check out the atmosphere). I was amazed at the lack of homeless people and beggars, as there were usually heaps there the times I'd been previously. They'd been swept under the proverbial rug!


Winston...C Milk is pretty comfortable on the sound board mate! I think he's been practising...and it shows!