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Xiàbān Hòu! - Episode #42 - DETHRONED - New Worst China Expat Becomes King

Remember Pirate boy? The dude that became a legendary teacher in China while dressing as Captain Jack? 

Well, there's an update...

And it's gross...

Today's show link - https://youtube.com/live/8EDGMUOSil0?feature=share


Xiàbān Hòu! - Episode #42 - DETHRONED - New Worst China Expat Becomes King

Xiàbān Hòu! - Episode #42 - DETHRONED - New Worst China Expat Becomes King



Oh no, I don't have a good feeling with this guy 😞

Robert Mahlzeit

Q: Hey Winston me and my friends watched the movie you "recommended" China Salesman. We couldn't watch it through, it was so hilarious. Lmao.

Scumhawk Hail Eris

Q: what are your thoughts about the 'chinese police station' arrest made in NY on the 17th? I guess they needed to investigate it themselves as to why it took so long to act...


I FINALLY BIT THE BULLET, and I am a HOU now.. I think I signed up for this when you first started and there was no HOU content yet barely so I couldn't justify the $. I run on a tight budget, but I really prefer to support you guys.


I think the Cowboy hat guy is Manic. He needs to get that in check.


I think it takes a long time to piece things together from a legal perspective. I also thought it took forever, but I feel like it's different than just showing up and being like "this is bad, you are arrested"


I've thought for a while that both your experience and talents make you very well suited for the china show style of "news". I don't see you guys so much as a pair of youtubers as much as an alternative source of info/world news. If you opened it up a bit to asian, SE asian news regarding similar topics, i think it'd be well received


In regards to the BYD video I won't say one way or the other but I will say having watched the first one it's not very surprising information. a whole new second vid seems excessive and a women's rights video sounds like it would probably do pretty well if done right :)


I think I just read the other day that a state (Minnesota?) just signed a contract with a Chinese car company to build a plant and EV cars. More video about the risks and environmental impact can’t be a bad idea, in light of this development.


And yes, women’s (lack of) rights in China, as well as the historic place of women in Chinese society and family structure might open some people’s eyes, especially if a Chinese Fact Chasers video from it gets traction.


Q Ah i missed the show i though i joined soon enough, Ohh well, i dont know if you guys read this part but i think it'd be a good subject to talk about with Malaysia signing a HUGE deal with the CCP this past week I am here now, Indian people are ether thinking its the dumbest thing they've seen the gov do in a long time or had no idea. The Malaysians are FULL ON board with it. In all the reason for asking this is Malaysia is FULL on Islam/Muslim nation and we all know how China treats these people. Love to hear your guy's thoughts on this in a future episode what you guys think Malaysia signing with an Anti Muslim country.

Robert Mahlzeit

Q: Donald Trump said on an interview that Xi Jinping is brilliant man. Is this in your opinion bs?


I have to say that made me wonder too. BUT he isn't wrong Xi is brilliant for what he is doing. He has total control and got a 3rd election which wasn't legally allowed before. I'd LOVE a follow up to that were Trump explains what he means by Brilliant But in all i think it was just political none sense to further him into office. I do like Trump but i am also honest with it too.

Dylan Vienet

Q: Hey legends! Unfortunately haven't been live with you guys for a while because of my busy work schedule and Australian time difference! Winston, do you see South Africa heading for a similar future to Haiti? I was watching a Simon whistler video today about the crisis on his warographics channel, and read a comment from a South African mentioning that ANC corruption post-Mandela is turning South Africa down this path. Could it really get that bad? Wonder what you guys think?

Dylan Vienet

Q: For C-Milk as the resident Catholic: Are Chinese Christians less likely to be ultranationalist and xenophobic, as they are not from the status quo, so to speak? I was talking to a Chinese friend on WeChat, as she lives in china again and discovered that she is a Christian, which made me feel a sense of relief as I never wanted to discuss politics or the world with her incase she was one of the nationalist types. I usually find myself tiptoeing around that stuff when I talk to mainlanders until I'm sure that they're not and although she's very liberal, and definitely would do stuff that is against societal norms in China, I never felt so sure. Anyway, Are they more likely to go against the grain and think differently or does the CCP-vanilla church in China keep people in line with the party?


Q: Opinions on huge Youtubers who argue: 'Tiktok doesnt need to be banned' ?? >It will contradict Americans freedoms? A popular opinion is: "If we remove Tiktok we are no better than the censorship conducted from China." Also > i see a lot of blaming the parents, lot's of big drama YouTubers, who touch on this, will blame the parents for letting kids access Tiktok. Who's to blame..? is it N*zi starfish hitler?


Q: Any way to get the Ongerwarm patch still? Seems like it’s off the website now.


Q2: Did you guys see the Unrecord Early Gameplay Trailer ? Pretty much impossible to distinguish this from real life, Unreal Engine 5 is actually insane.


Q: Are you familiar/have you seen the Adam Curtis documentary "Can't Get You Out of My Head?". It was completed/released in 2021 during the pandemic and covers a lot of world history from the last century from the perspectives of Britain, America, Russia and China. I bring it up since I'd be very interested to know your thoughts on the China content contained in the documentary. It touches on Mao, the cultural revolution, the succession of power within the CCP over the decades, the Tiananmen Square massacre, as well as other events I was not aware of previously. Here's a link in case you need it. https://watchdocumentaries.com/cant-get-you-out-of-my-head/