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Xiàbān Hòu! - Episode #39 - How Spicy Food Makes CCP Shills

We think we've cracked the CCP shill pipeline. 

It all starts with spicy Chinese food. 

First you're slurping down some 热干面, and then, next thing you know it, you are denying genocide in Xinjiang. 

Today's show link - https://youtube.com/live/WRUUZpsPd1E?feature=share


Xiàbān Hòu! - Episode #39 - How Spicy Food Makes CCP Shills

Xiàbān Hòu! - Episode #39 - How Spicy Food Makes CCP Shills



Really good show. Great display of your expertise.


(Questions!) Where is a good starting point to show people about China's atrocious government? How do i bring it up without sounding like a conspiracy nut? From a common persons perspective it would be hard to believe some of the stuff the CCP is up to because of how extensive their influence reaches. I love what you guys are doing and i just want to thank you both for the great work! Sorry for the wall of text.


Missed questions from previous vids: Q1: Question for Winston: If you had to send someone abroad to China who believes poverty has truly been alleviated to change their minds, which province would you send them to to make them reconsider ? Also... 5 months patreon sub and still waiting for a bloody knock off gaming consoles vid !? Q2: Question for Matt: What's the intro song for Xiaban Hou? Also if i could pay you in clams, would you reconsider Hainan being a dog shit province ? I SWEAR it's actually a good place to adventure around. Your tier list is the first result when googling "Worst province in china", and i still can't believe Henan and Lanzhou is higher tier than Hainan, :|

Robert Mahlzeit

Q: I recently heared that China has shifted their focus from cheap manufacturing to advanced specialised manufacturing and service industries. In my opinion this is all bs and the chinese/russian bots are nowadays everywhere

Kurt Scholz

honk honk is the sound of a goose


love the shows you guys