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The winner of the Xiaban Hou soundbite battle! Go join the Xiaban Hou tier if you want to see it play out! Was so much fun!



Grady Gillis

I was really pulling for "Great"

william francis Collett

Rick??? Does even walk??? He's always sitting. what a freky show it would be to have a WHITE MONKEY interview, "THAT'S A LITTLE TOO MUCH FOR ME" ha ha ha


I'm sad that "we need satisfy Popeye" didn't make the cut 😢


Is the Port of Dandong narrated by C-Milk?


No. It was played in an TV commercial on CCTV English 1000 times since the mid 2000s.

Matthew Duhon

Wow, that’s a little too much for me!


Wow, so good!


I was rooting for Clam Man.

Alan Goldstein

Hey guys, is there anything that can be done about the nonsense in the chat during the China Show? Just so polarized.

Charles Easton

You could commission some Rick beer mats with a wow, so good 🙂 Rick and wow, that's a little too much for me 🙁 Rick on either side. Or a coin?


I have terrible eyesight and can’t read the chats as rhey come So you have just shown me a positive side of being legally blind. But I know they are seeing Chinese and Russian bot attacks. The moderator catches some things but when I see the speed of the chat scroll, I do not know how anyone could keep up. Hope you can tune out the negativity.