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Half Assed Methods That Run China - Episode #104

It's Cha Bu Duo. Half assed. Good enough.

This is the way of China.

This is how stuff gets done fast.

Join us today for an awesome, funny, and sometimes terrifying show.

Today's show link - https://youtube.com/live/d-GFWxROQ0M?feature=share


Half Assed Methods That Run China - Episode #104

Half Assed Methods That Run China - Episode #104



*SPOILERS DO NOT READ IF U HAVEN'T WATCHED* I rly hate animal torture/abuse and I was fine with the panda vs peacock clip. I think when it's 2 animals and especially when 1 of them is a heckin birb it's not That bad. Still super dumb of the zoo staff to let that happen and make a pit fight entertainment event out of their own stupidity.


Gotta love the tactical products. There's even a tactical stroller! For when you and your baby come under heavy fire; and you take your baby into active combat with you.


I was a medic in the USAF and WTF did she just do to you?? Tetanus shots are supposed to be given in a muscle (intramuscular) but she gave it to you NOT in your muscle but it looks as if she gave it under your SKIN (thus the wheal that it made) She gave you an IMPROPER tetanus injection and I would ask a US doc about that if I were you bc he/she might recommend you re-take that. Ask your wife, Winston. She'll likely be shocked!


We call it "boba" tea in Texas and I don't think that I like it all that much. Sucking those balls through the big straw is kinda weird...