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China’s New Subway Just Collapsed China's Amazing New Infrastructure Will Shock You - Episode #218


China’s New Subway Just Collapsed China's Amazing New Infrastructure Will Shock You Episode #218


Dean Williams

Hey you guys! I have a smart car. It is 23 years old, but I drive it. Never had an accident. Seems to work every time, as long as I am behind the wheel!

Colin Love

I didn’t know the thin pancake was a thing. I just thought I was weird or stubborn eating defective pancakes. Glad to know not everyone thinks a pancake needs to be the size of a dinner plate thick as a pillow and sloppy and cold with “maple syrup”. If I’m gonna enjoy maple syrup I’d rather have a waffle. It’s a superior dessert cuz it’s a little crispy on the outside it’s not immediately soggy. Plus you can evenly spread butter and syrup then it’s all ready to be broken down into bite size pieces. Best part is it doesn’t force you to eat it all right away. You can break off a pizza piece or two and take it to go unsodden and ready to be reheated. I’m not buying into the pancake vs waffle culture war hype that’s how they get you. I’ll breakfast however I damn well please. All the while respecting the table next to me right to breakfast how they damn well please. Just like it says in the constitution, even if they’re clearly wrong.

Colin Love

I think you’re scratching the surface of something bigger with time doctor. A malware company that specializes in key logging and data collection could be a great focus & propagation tool for propaganda. Looking at this in a 3 pronged approach. First an operation that can finance itself o a degree by doing the standard selling of consumer data to 3rd parties. Second the operation can piggyback off its commercial activities using the same targeted advertising model to push propaganda. Third is practice gaming the algorithm as have been shown with taking over anything China specific on Quora and getting recommended by Google. China or other authoritarian countries can put their thumb on the scales of culture wars. I’ve seen entire chats completely taken over by for example Russian “bot” accounts on anything Ukraine related. There’s an interchange of propaganda techniques and funding between Russia and China. Using paid posters to try and derail negative headlines into domestic culture wars is the playbook I’m seeing. It’s certainly causing a lot of stupid drama that’s unhealthy for civil society. It seems the authoritarian playbook which from the look I’ve seen through the opaque view into the CCP is based off Putin’s color revolution theory. By that I mean that leaders like Putin or Xi coming up through the communist party see plots everywhere and no consequences. Eastern Europe 89, former Soviet Republic’s in the 00’s - 10’s & the Arab Spring were all CIA orchestrated attempts to overthrow governments. Forgetting that the CIA has a pretty bad track record of actually doing so successfully. Military dictatorships like in South Korea, Taiwan & South America were backed with money and weapons and the support was pulled near the end of the Cold War. The pro-western dictatorships were doing more harm than good to the west’s cause at home and abroad. The collapse of the Warsaw Pact & the fall of the remains of the Cold War order led by increased flow of information online has been seen as a part of a smoking gun. NGO’s are seen as extensions of state as they would be in a dictatorship. Whether dealing with a poorly educated leader like Xi or a well educated one like Putin. Their systems have ended up surrounding them by sycophants to the point they drink their own kool-aid. They can’t believe the rest of the world doesn’t work as they understand it. They see the world as one where they’re surrounded by enemies and it’s part of the communist system. Or the remnants of it that are the power behind the scenes in Russia. Because that’s how it is in the corrupt hierarchies they come from. It doesn’t seem to be to the degree they believe but after surviving such a system it’s a survival mechanism to get them before they get you. Even once you have total control. It’s a bit more nuanced than that but the digital battleground has been at the forefront of my mind for a while now. Sometimes I have to take a step back and remind myself that shills, opportunists & useful idiots are just that useful idiots. They get used in every generation knowingly or out of ignorance or misguided conviction or understanding. It’s an interesting time in the development of the new flow of information. The US & West don’t have everything right but in crisis after crisis the system of western style democracy has proved much more resilient than nay-sayers have predicted. Authoritarian governments have found a way to control and weaponize the flow of information in a way that feels like they found our Achilles Heel. It’s anything but unprecedented. That said the free flow of information is key to the health of a republic. The average person can only consume so much without overloading let along parsing context and understanding deep seated issues in subjects they’re not familiar with.