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Embarrassing! China's Tallest Waterfall Exposed as FAKE AND We Found MORE! Episode #215


Embarrassing! China's Tallest Waterfall Exposed as FAKE AND We Found MORE! Episode #215



For most of its history China considered itself to be "The Middle Kingdom," the leading civilization on Earth. For much of human history it may well have been. The CCP is determined to restore what it sees as China's rightful place at the top of the world order. It can't do it, however, as the bottom up freedom that this would require would herald its destruction, just as happened to its brothers in Eastern Europe. This is why they lie, to maintain the illusion that China is a rising power under its leadership. They present this illusion both for their own people and the rest of the world.

Charles Easton

I've been to Yosemite National Park twice, and both times the Yosemite Falls was dry (or as good as). It didn't take away from my visit or the beauty of the landscape.