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All Patreon versions have been updated from version v0.67.003 to version v0.67.009 to account for bugs found.

Fixes include:

  • Issues when calling Cephrina as an ally.
  • Update on localization files.

Redownload the Patreon versions to get the latest updated versions.

The next build release is progressing smoothly.

To discuss and suggest new features for the game, you can join our Discord channel at the following link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/discord-channel-43474609 


Tyrone Gibb

Hi great game how to to get sp points is there a walkthrough?


SP points are earned when you defeat strong enemies (Enemies close to your level). There is a basic walkthrough being repaired on our website at: https://townofmagic.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page There will also be an adjustment on the SP points earned in the upcoming Bugfix update.

Tyrone Gibb

Hi do you get enough sp points to equip all the skills and how do I romance Selena she is not in the walkthrough?

Tom B

Hey man, looks good so far. Keep up the good work.


SP earned depends on the level of enemies you defeat. The latest bugfix also increases the SP earned in battle. Use Nel to earn more. For Selena, you need to complete here sidequests. For more information you can check out the guide created by Shadow at https://townofmagic.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Town_of_magic_guide_Ver_66_2.pdf or get the latest guide at our discord pinned at the 'guide' channel.


When I had Lily in my party, and tried to talk to her, the game crashed, with "ScriptError: could not find label 'allytalk_fairy'."