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Build Release: Version 0.66.014

- Bugfixes and Code optimizations

- Code updates

- 8 New Locations Added

- Updated 2 Location Background

- 7 New Events Added

- New Gameplay Feature Added

- New Ally Added and art update for ally

- Level Cap Increased to 85

- Updated Game Engine to Ren'Py 8.1.1

- 4 New Characters Added

- New Clothes Added

Get it at -> https://townofmagic.itch.io/town-of-magic-patreon/patreon-access


You can load saves from the previous game versions to continue your game.

Save file locations are found in the following directories.

Windows: %APPDATA%/RenPy/TownOfMagic

Example: C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\TownOfMagic

MacOS: library/RenPy/TownOfMagic/

Linux: ~/.renpy/TownOfMagic

Android: Phone\Android\data\townofmagic.com\files\saves

If a save loading does not work, try loading a save from the Q section of the loading screen.



im on Mac and the game quit my save after some time or action and I don't understand why


but a new game work fine


the same on pc, cant load saves


loading a q-save ends with a failure: This save was created on a different device.....


I have added a save file on the post that has all the progress until the new content. Use that to continue the game.


So, one of the treasures hints says there is a book in an elven bedroom, but no matter what I try I can't seem to figure out how to get said book. It's the only thing I have left too.


I can't seem to run into glace to get my body back in the newest version? She only ever shows up in evie's house and can't really be interacted with beyond kissing evie, not sure if I'm just forgetting how you got your body back in the past or if it's been changed or if it's just not working in this version


Thank you for reporting this. I have updated the game with a fix for this. Redownload and update the game to apply the fix.


I think i found the problem with the saves. 0.65.004 was good so i upgradet to goldmember and downloadet the 008, 010 and 011. Three months is too long for me so i went back to normal. The normal version 0.66...cant load saves from the 008dev,010dev and 011dev but i can load the normal 004. I downloadet now the 0.65.11 and also this cannot load the previous devversions.


Hello I just pledged, and was wondering if theres a wait to be able to download it since it throws me an error ~


I've just had the same problem with itch.io - it can't find my Patreon id and won't let me download the new version. Downloaded 66.004 OK, but can't get in to download the bugfix.


I am facing the same issue. It's with error 401, saying that I am unauthorized to download it.


Try an older link, game gets saved in library allowing you to download newest version


Try an older link, game gets saved in library allowing you to download newest version

Tyrone Gibb

Hi can u romance everyone at the same time?


Don't know why, i just can't have access to itch.io. Is there any other way to download the game or access to itch?


Hello, is there a secret item to get in the mystery box from 0.65 new shop ?


Yes. The mystery box gives items typically found in silver and gold chests. However, there is also a Dwarven Cogwheel that can only be found in the mystery box. The item is sold for the price range between 500 and 1000 coins. If the item is very cheap, it is probably a joke item. If the item is expensive, it is found in gold or silver chests. Each time you speak to L, you can refresh the price for the mystery box.