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There are many events planned for the next release of Town of Magic. This poll is to gauge interest and prioritize the side events for the upcoming release.

What side event are you looking forward to on Town of Magic's upcoming release?

Note: You can vote for more than one event on the list, but try to vote only for the side events you look forward to most.



I am all for the expansion of new characters, the things with Glace can go far especially knowing what she is, but I would like a continuation of Selene since that was left on a cliff-hanger. Faylen has plenty of potential scenarios and ideals that perhaps may have Celica possess her for some important event. Domenea don't want me to call her by her name, I wonder why. Captain Edgar obviously got some interest in Celica, to which I like to see more of. To which you have my appreciation to make these characters fleshed out and elicit a connection. Eventhough I didn't vote for him, but Bert could probably question Celica of her 'personas' at times.


Just a more personal question that would answer for others in general. Will there be only 1 side quest being added from the votes or Multiple side quests??


I always try to add as many side events as possible with each release. Anything that is left out is added on the next release. This is more or less a priority list for the next release of the game. This list only includes side events and not the main events.