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At the bottom of this article is the latest game file.

Chapter 15 & onwards is in a new game, Lewd Mod 2 (download it below).

Recent updates:

On Day 31, Sophie shows you some bedroom photos taken by Maddie & tells you about listening to her sister have sex.

On Day 32, choose whether to help Ingrid, or chat with Ellie who feels sexy in the library. Ellie also has a quiz for you.

On Day 33, Choose to talk to Ellie who is horny before class, or help Ingrid take sexy photos to show Kurt what he’s missing.

On Day 34, Ingrid tells you a sexy secret & asks for help.

On Day 35, Sophie plans some party games & confirms a rule about butts. Ingrid gets on the desk to show you some close-ups.

On Day 36 (Part 1), Sophie & Maddie get drunk & cause mischief at the office party, & Ingrid shares some photos from the night before.

*New* - Day 36 (Part 2)

In Day 36 part 2, the office party continues! A drunk Ingrid gets naked in her office, & Sophie's sister causes mischief.

Here's some new artwork:

Download Lewd Mod 2 (for Android):

Download this file to your Android device.


Download Lewd Mod 2 (for Windows):

Download this file to your Windows computer

Unzip the archive

Open Lewd Mod 2.exe



There was a strange sentence from Ingrid: "My parents actually for me to marry a boy in our community" in Day 30

Christopher Katope

I could've sworn I saw a picture that looks like Ellie in one of the judging art. Was that intended?


Might just be on my end, but downloading that started me about two thirds of the way through day 15, with Ingrid asking where Sophie was. Might be worth fixing or just advising people to restart the day initially

lewdmod (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-08 00:51:54 Ah you are right, I made a mistake! I've fixed it though, & reuploaded the file. Thanks so much for letting me know!
2021-06-30 08:32:27 Ah you are right, I made a mistake! I've fixed it though, & reuploaded the file. Thanks so much for letting me know!

Ah you are right, I made a mistake! I've fixed it though, & reuploaded the file. Thanks so much for letting me know!


Pretty cool day!


It's developing in a really good direction, but since I'm new I don't know how are the updates leaping about? So how long does it take you on average for a chapter?


Love the new artwork! Excited to see more of Ingrid in future days!


Another wonderful chapter in this great game. Ingrid seems very interesting, can't wait to get to know her more😏


Sophia, Maddie, Ellie, Darla D, and now Ingrid. So many pretty girls. Wish you didn't have to prioritize who gets the spotlight for each day. I cannot wait for more days!


Well done, the game is promising and love the concept. Godspeed dude


Ingrid is fine, but I am waiting for more Ellie 🤤

King Boopa

I think there's a mistake where Ellie's "T-shirt" selfie is the same as the first outfit she changed from.


Yeah I thought that too, she still got that white sweater on in the T-Shirt selfie


When you suggest Sophie could make a black tea, she says "But I tea with oat milk". missing a verb there.


Thanks for letting me know about this! I've fixed in both android & windows version, & have updated the link!


A tad disappointed with Day 18. Felt a little dry. Maybe I played it wrong. Still.. Very excited for what comes next. Maybe another story like Darla for us to act out on? Answering emails is kinda cool too. Stuff like that would be awesome.

lewdmod (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-08 00:51:52 Sorry you feel this way, but thanks very much for your feedback. My intention was to create something like a realistic chat, to get to know Ellie a bit, instead of showing you some naked photos immediately which you might have found unrealistic. I do have a lot of things planned with both Ellie & Sophie tho
2021-10-17 20:13:34 Sorry you feel this way, but thanks very much for your feedback. My intention was to create something like a realistic chat, to get to know Ellie a bit, instead of showing you some naked photos immediately which you might have found unrealistic. I do have a lot of things planned with both Ellie & Sophie tho

Sorry you feel this way, but thanks very much for your feedback. My intention was to create something like a realistic chat, to get to know Ellie a bit, instead of showing you some naked photos immediately which you might have found unrealistic. I do have a lot of things planned with both Ellie & Sophie tho


Loved the new episode, I like where things are going


Agreed. Makes me think about what new things "Corporate" will come up with for us to ban in the future


Day 19 was great! I love the addition of pubic hair again and I am so happy that Sophie hasn't shaved. It is now my favorite day, taking over day 11. Speaking of which, I would love to see more Maddie.

Christopher Katope

Day 20 was pretty good, I like that we're getting a progression with the photos you have to judge. They get more and more lewd as the game goes especially noticeable in the latter days which is awesome.


Losing my mind over Ingrid. More please!


day 21 was pretty sexy. a bit of a continuity thing: sophie has a bit of a bush when she sends you her "full naked" picture. but when she sends you pictures of herself fingering she only has a stubble. not that i mind. let her shave it off completely hehe


early access to a txt file, nice https://imgur.com/a/7HHOPC9


When you ask for a closer image of the tear in Ingrid's stocking it loads the same image with no changes. Also the dialog about what the meeting was for seems a bit jumbled in the early access release for day 22. Keep up the good work.

lewdmod (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-11 14:40:21 Thanks for letting me know about this, I'll have a look at both issues & fix!
2022-04-07 15:53:00 Thanks for letting me know about this, I'll have a look at both issues & fix!

Thanks for letting me know about this, I'll have a look at both issues & fix!


The Ingrid tease continues!!! Loved the Ellie photo, though a slight bug on Android is Sophie's dialogue has a delay whereas nobody else does