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Hey everyone!

First of all, I'd like to say thanks for the support on our recent netcode feature. We got an influx of patrons thanks to it and I'm glad to see the feature being used in some pretty interesting conversations about fighting games. I've also heard the asks for translating the video into Japanese for developers overseas and thanks to your support we can make that happen. I'm hoping to have the Japanese translation up next week as another caption track (similar to the Spanish track we currently have thanks to Dunkelheyt). We may do a separate upload with hard coded subs too, but I'm still evaluating what that would do for search metrics and the like (YouTube's algorithm is a tricky thing). 

As for our next videos, they're gonna be slightly delayed. I actually injured my back pretty badly a few weeks ago and lost some time recovering (plus traveling for work), so I'll be shifting the order of planned uploads. Priority is going to be on the UNI doc and trying to get it done before or shortly after the new year, with the rest of the videos filling the gap between that and the Killer Instinct doc. Sorry for the schedule shifts! 

More soon! 

- Esteban 



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