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for Captains, Captain Jack Sparrows




This is for sure one of the most emotionally powerful episodes in the series. Because of the wiretap, JiAn has had one-sided insight into the part of DongHoon's life of which he'd be most ashamed (his wife's infidelity), but in this episode the two of them finally stand on even ground, when DongHoon finds out JiAn's deepest secret and accepts her anyway. In one of the early episodes, when they were both in the bar, JiAn said that sometimes she almost wished her secrets would be broadcast publicly so everyone would know, because otherwise she would live in constant fear that people would find out and abandon her. Now she got to see DongHoon find out firsthand, and instead of abandoning her, he stood up for her. Incredibly cathartic scene. Random note, but the song JiAn is listening to around 57:50 when she's depressed about DongHoon is Metallica's "For Whom the Bell Tolls." I guess given her life so far, maybe it's not that surprising that she has a taste for aggressive music, haha.