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MY MISTER Watchers, I'd like your opinion please :)

  • Please continue and finish My Mister! 35
  • You can stop the My Mister watch party, thanks. :) 9
  • 2023-11-22
  • 44 votes
{'title': "MY MISTER Watchers, I'd like your opinion please :)", 'choices': [{'text': 'Please continue and finish My Mister!', 'votes': 35}, {'text': 'You can stop the My Mister watch party, thanks. :)', 'votes': 9}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 22, 0, 21, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 44}


SUUUP to my Captains and Captain Jack Sparrows who may be watching this K-drama with me! As of now while I'm typing this, I have my unedited watch parties for episodes 7 through 9, and as of now, I do plan to continue. However, I am aware of the recent news/scandal of the main actor Lee Sun-kyun, so I'd like to ask for y'alls' opinion, because it matters to me—

Due to the issue, would it be best for me to discontinue My Mister here on Patreon, or would y'all like for me to continue and finish it here on Patreon? I don't mind to do either/or, I just noticed the actor's issue being brought up both in comments and in my inbox and again, y'alls' preferences matter because y'alls' support is how I continue to do what I do on both platforms. Thanks for your input in advance!


Joev Tan

Best to finish the drama. In my opinion, the actor's issue is about a lapse of judgment on his part which is bad, but not bad to the level as let say other scandals bad where there are intent, based from how the investigation are progressing. Results are coming in as negative/inconclusive (for the legs hairs) for drugs use and he claims he might have taken something he is not aware of, but definitely in Korea he is cancelled already. But the drama does not leave any distaste from my end. The drama is one of the best out there and the characters are really relatable.


I already watched long ago and was rewatching it. But I stopped. I won't support him or the programs he was in. If you continue to watch it, I don't have any issue with that as others may feel differently, but I won't continue to watch any new videos you post with him. That's my choice. If you do watch it, I won't hold it against you in any way.