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for Mateys, Captains, Captain Jack Sparrows




This series is too good. I'm so glad you decided to watch it. I'm here for twice contents and never thought I'd enjoy the k-drama watch parties too. Now I'll make sure to tune in on the next ones as well. A lot of people were wishing we got more episodes just to see how the revenge in that prison unfolds and I too, didn't want it to end with just 16 episodes (Plus I wanted to see more scenes with the 99%-1% couple lol). But overall this drama is so well written. I barely leave comments regarding what I think but we do have the same thoughts on most things that happened. This is like my 10th time watching this, I really love Hye Kyo a lot so... you get me lol Looking forward to the next one! Thanks for all that you do (:


supporting actress killed it...bright bright future ---- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHzd50mdfAM


same with hye-kyo...no way she was not winning...cute little last dig at her nemesis when she received the trophy ---- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4iVfT06IaQ


Finally made it! Hello fellow glory gang lol. I've been watching each of these and this has been my first time watching The Glory. I've had it recommended to me by a friend before and I see why, loved watching it! Glad you decided to watch this one, it's been a lot of fun. I am basically here for album listens from my favorites groups, drama club, and time to twice. I will watch any drama club regardless of whether I've seen the show already, I love k-drama and both of the ones you've done so far have been ones I haven't seen. I don't think I left a comment on the last episode of Flower of Evil, but that one was also a lot of fun. I also haven't seen the next one so I'm excited! I usually watch these to the end and like to hear your thoughts on the episodes. I won't get too spoilery on a public comment but that funeral scene last episode.... WOW