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SUP MY PATREON CREW?! Can y'all believe that we're basically halfway in 2022...🤯 First off, I'd like to say a huge HELLOOO to y'all new Crew members here, "part of the CREW, part of the SHIP"! I hope my content here entertains y'all.😅 So, several little updates to share:

—I'm going to SUPER resume with checking out more live performances, variety shows, and album listens while putting my super long content on the side for now (with the exception of Queendom 2 and I-Land, I will finish those!). I didn't realize that I was on a watch-party streak for several months now so I'd like to even things out here for the whole crew. Plus, I've missed discovering new music via live performances/album listens and laughing my ass off with variety shows.

Album Listens are now available for the "Booty" crew!

—Cool news, kinda: y'all know how I have the list of my content in my "About" section here? I've recently been working on transferring that over to my own.. (dramatic pause) DOMAIN!😮 Yup, I saved up to be able to buy my own dot com, with the main purpose of doing so was to create a website where Patreon content is easier to get access to. That should be published live in a week or so, I'm just working on how I'd like things listed and what not. I hope the new domain will make y'alls' experience here on the SHIP much more easier.👍

Thanks for reading all the way to here if you did, and as always, thank y'all for sticking by with y'alls' extra love and support.💜 Please stay hydrated and wear SPF during these new HOT several months of summer!

Your Captain Lord,


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