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SUP MY CAPTAIN+CREW?! I hope y'all have been well, safe from covidiots, and eating good food.😄 I just wanted to write a little update here for my PATREON PEEPS here, since I'm not too sure if all of y'all tune in to my community posts on YouTube or my posts on Twitter/Instagram.

I've been on a semi-break since Monday after receiving my 3rd booster covid vaccine.👍🏽 (Just to give extra info: in the US, the vaccines are given by group. The order of groups for the 3rd booster shot is a little different: first group up is the group who are immunocompromised/have chronic illnesses, which I'm clearly under. Next group should be the healthcare workers and elders starting in September, then the essential workers and so forth). Luckily, my side effects aren't as bad as the first two. I do still have major fatigue and an on-and-off headache, and I had major body aches the day after, but I'm starting to feel those side effects dissipating now since I've literally been resting and doing nothing. Sooo it seems like I'll be back sooner than I assumed.😜

I just wanted to share these screenshots of this month's payments for my visits with my specialists and 3 of my 7 medication refills. Before I was gutsy enough to start a Patreon, my mom was paying for all of this plus my bills (home, car, water, electric, phone, internet) and my health insurance, which is $467 monthly (it unfortunately raised after all of the time I've spent in the hospital since 2015). She's 67 and is sadly STILL working at our family business, and I know she doesn't tell me this because she doesn't want me to feel bad, but I know one of the main reasons why she won't retire is because of having a chronically sick daughter who isn't able to have a "normal" job due to restrictions from lupus, seizures, sjogren's, and a heart condition (heart murmur).

HOWEVER! When she recently asked me if I needed any money, I said no. She then said: "you haven't asked for money from me for a long time thina, are you still seeing your doctors and taking your medicine like you need to?". I explained to her in detail about what I do here on Patreon and how y'alls' support combined helps me to help her, and she was mind blown that I could be able to do so in the comfort and safety of home. She told me to tell y'all "thina's mom says thank you for helping her daughter".🥲 I cried hearing how thankful and delighted she sounded. I know parents are parents and they will always worry about you until their time on this Earth is up, but it makes me sad and sometimes mad at myself for my mom having to still work and do things that I as an almost-38 year old should be able to do for myself. But what I can be thankful for is the fact that I'm helping her with taking care of my bills and my monthly blood work, specialist visits, and medication refills, and I'm ONLY able to do that because of y'all here. I really hope y'all know how much your support here (and YouTube) means to me. I meant it when I said y'all are literally saving my life.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

I'll be back super soon! Please take care and stay safe out there, and let's end August and enter September even stronger! Also, with good food.😅




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