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sup y’all, I hope everyone’s August has been starting off well. I was going to “get vulnerable” in my community section on YouTube but I decided to do it here instead with y’all here.

I’ve been feeling super off mentally and emotionally ever since this month started, to be honest. I usually have videos filmed by Wednesday but I just wasn’t feeling it. Then of course, I get hit with this. After I hit 50k on YouTube, the first emotion I felt was fear. I know that the bigger my channel gets, the more comments of this sort will come with my growth. I know I should ignore those and I freakin’ KNOW better than to let this even bother me, but when I already started my week off weakened, this will do the trick of adding onto my weakness.

But I know that the amount of y’all who are genuine and decent people who support me completely outnumbers those kind of comments, so no worries— I’m not quitting or anything. I just need to get a hold of myself mentally before everything else continues to crash.

Might be a slow week on YouTube for me this week but I’ll have Patreon content coming for y’all because y’all recommended some goooood stuff when I had my last request thread up.😍👍🏼 Again, y’all may think your $1/$3 membership isn’t much, but y’all literally help me get my meds that I need to survive and yalls’ support and words of motivation helps me stop my tears of fear and frustration. I love y’all.






People are to quick to judge, especially on twitter. The way you title your videos is actually what made me initially click onto your channel! Thank you for making your wonderful videos!! And I hope the rest of your week feels better!!!

Christina R

We love keep strong

spoiled milk

we appreciate you!! take as much time you need it’s okay.


Thank youuu.💋 Just some personal issues that I have no control over so I have to maintain focus on controlling how I choose to react to it.👍🏼

Regel Matilla

Awww Thina. I’m sorry you had to see that tweet. It’s a reminder that there are people like that person. But you should never be worried about that. You know very well, we’re all here for you. Though we can’t block the negative, all of us are going to give you positivity every step of the way. And it shouldn’t matter if you have 1k, 10k, 50k and so forth, you don’t have to please everyone, just please us fans but most importantly, keep yourself on a good state when you’re doing theses reactions. Like always, take it slow, we all know how life can be, take it step by step. Those haters don’t know what you’ve been through and us fans knows what’s up. Please take care of yourself, don’t let those comments effect you and just know we’re all here for you no matter how long your break, slow uploading schedule and what not, we support you!!!


Heyyy we have the same name, just a fun fact.😅 (thina came from Christina when I was young and I’ve just stuck by it🤣)


Do you and be you. We all have it rough at times. Please react to Lee Hi - Breathe and Holo when you get the chance. Those are my mental health songs.


Twitter is a cesspool of negativity and judgement. Especially within the KPOP community. Please take care of your mental and physical health above everything else and remember that It's okay to give yourself time to breathe. You do a lot for people by providing the content that you do and we're all very appreciative of that. Thank you for feeling safe enough to share this here, we'll always be supportive!

Hunter Davis

you know normally i would agree because i’ve seen some OUTLANDISH reaction video titles and it’s very telling who is trying to like cater to some sort of clickbait to get views. but your title makes sense and i think the judgement comes from the fact that people aren’t actually clicking through your channel to understand why you say that. you’ve explained it so often, and then there are also other dancers who do kpop reactions and i think it’s important to include that because y’all have a unique perspective when watching idols dance and also your assessment and reaction will differ from others because of that. i’m sorry if things like this discourage you, we’re all rooting for you and appreciate your content. ♥️


Thank you so much for your patience! I’m sure you’re nothing close to actual spoiled milk.😜💜


I actually watched your videos because of your youtube titles. I was honestly interested in what you, an OG KPOP Stan ✌︎, had to say about newer kpop groups. It’s great to see what you can find in these new groups that remind you of your older kpop groups :) always keep your head up, we got your back, lots of love ✧❣︎


The titles affect those people in literally no kind of way, to comment something ignorant or negative on something as trivial as video titles speaks a lot about them as a person, but this IS from Twitter after all. We'll always support you all the way 💙


Man there's just so much nasty in kpop twitter and while we still see a lot of good stuff there, we still have to teach ourselves to get past that negativity and it sucks. But nonetheless, we appreciate the kpop content you put out on YouTube and Patreon! Your personality and insights as a retired dancer and ogkpopstansince1998 made me an ogkpopstan stan haha 😂 Stay strong and healthy, Thina! And in ATEEZ's words, "Just keep it up!" 💪

Wayne W

We got your back. The difference with your title is it's relevant and accurate. Anyone that gives your videos a chance will see your insight and reactions come from someone who knows their ish. Take care and we'll be here when you're ready!


Like Choerry said, make a little room for your mental health. People are gonna see titles and say things like that without even thinking about it. If they were a viewer, they'd know better. I came to your videos looking for someone who had experience dancing, so the title was helpful for me, and I have stayed because I genuinely appreciate your enthusiasm and personality. Keep doing what you need to do, we'll support you 🤘😊


I wanted to educate them about content strategy and why unique titles are effective and informative but they deleted their tweet. Smh I’m sorry that happened! They were so rude for even trying to put a bandaid over a wound and say they loved your content. Just know that everything you do and put out is quality content thousands of kpop stans enjoy and love. I’m proud to know that you’re a retired dancer and to know you’ve been a kpop fan since the 90’s that alone shows how knowledgeable you are and makes the audience feel like what you have to say is credible. I hope you don’t let them get the best of you. Sending you lots of love ❤️❤️❤️ take it easy of course, mental health is important


This is your channel, so do it in any way you want. We will always appreciate any content you have for us. Thank you and take care.



KPOP Stan Sara

How you label your videos actually made me interested in finding out what exactly it meant and then I got hooked to your videos. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it :) There are just people in this world that feel the need to attack and belittle others to try to feel happier and sadly popularity opens up the opportunity for those individuals. You're amazing! Please take care of yourself as I know you will :) I will always be here waiting for whenever you're ready to share more content and on youtube.


You're right, sadly success oftentimes comes in hand with criticism (even though in these cases is more likely to be envy and bad intentions). You don’t have to justify yourself or your feelings. You’re only human, you’re bound to feel bad even if you know better. But when you come across one of those distasteful comments remember that the number of people that have your back is immensely higher and, in comparison with those other people, we are genuine. And we’re here for the long haul. We´re not here just to leave an ill opinion and then leave feeling contempt. We are here because we enjoy your videos, we feel appreciation and a sense of connection with you. Thanks to your channel and contents, we get to know more people that share a same interest. You give us a new perspective, and tell us about things that otherwise we wouldn’t have known. And through your reactions you make us feel better only by watching you discovering and enjoying something that we already know and love. That’s a fulfilment that no amount of hate should bring down. So, remember that if you're having a hard time we'll be here for you showering you with our love and support. I'm sorry if this got a bit vehement, but I just feel really affronted, and wanted to get my point across; also english is not my first language so I can't always find the right words. Anyways, just please take care of yourself, and cheer up! Hwaiting!

Mr Jackpots

You should know by now that there are a lot of asshats on the internet. The ones that give themselves fancy professional titles are the worst. They aren't anything to you. Always look at everything on the internet with your 'odd eye' and only pay attention to people you actually know and trust. The rest are dogs barking in the night. Meaningless noise. As for the title it told me that you were what I was looking for. Your average Joe reactors can be fun but not that informative. You were a dancer and you've been following Kpop a long time so I've learned a lot about the technical aspects of dance from you. I follow other reactors with specialties in film making, video editing, music production and singing. To me you're a teacher and you enjoy sharing your knowledge. I just wish I wasn't so freaking poor so I could support you more.

Marion Jones

I actually think it’s helpful to have the og and retired dance in the title, there have been times when I want to know the opinions of people with specific experiences. I will search for ‘dancer reacts’ since I want to know what someone with that experience sees that I don’t and being a gen 2 stan myself it was really nice finding your channel because you have a similar experience to me of older groups. You’ve still mentioned that you are reacting in your title so I don’t see what there is to complain about. Some people just want to complain for complaining sake.


People really do lose manners just for clout :( sorry you had to go through that. Its hard to ignore these haters but I hope you find comfort in us who are supportive and appreciative of you. Your title is your identity, og kpop stan since 1998, thats what you are and thats years of kpop appreciation we cannot take away from you. We actually are grateful that you share these reactions with us. Not everyone in this world is sincere and genuine, but you are, thats why were here to stay. We might not be able to protect you from all the internet idiocy but hope you always keep in mind that there are people who are here to support you all they way. Cheer up Thina and lets just enjoy great music! Those people just cant seem to enjoy great things on life thats why they rain on other people's parade lol.


Honestly if it weren’t for the ‘OG Kpop Stan/Retired Dancer’ I probably wouldn’t have ever clicked on your video and become a fan in the first place. You have such an interesting take on things as a long time fan of the genre/industry AND as someone with a strong dance background. Also I think we can all agree stan twt is a toxic cesspool, so I really wouldn’t stress too much about what these keyboard warriors think. There’s at least 50k of us who think you’re awesome, keep doing you! 💛


What a ridiculous comment. I generally dont watch reaction videos UNLESS the title states who they are. I like to know the reactor has some education or experience to add to the experience. Your titles are exactly what drew me to your channel. In situations like this I like remember "what other people think about me is none of my business". LOL. You are smart and genuine and lovable. Some people hate that. That's on them. Nothing to do with you Warrior Goddess. 🤗


there are some pretty ridiculous youtube titles but honestly retired dancer as a title provides insight into the perspective your reactions bring. you do talk a lot about the dances and watch/comment on dance practices too so it all makes sense.


At the end of the day you have to do what’s best for you. The real ones will be here. Thank you for all this amazing content we/I appreciate you so much. Thanks for being vulnerable with us here.. 💕


Just to add to positive comments here that i started to watch your stray kids reactions cause of your yt title caption. Which is a very cool one!




Oh wow! just remember, he is just one. We are many of us supporting and loving you Tina. . I only subscribe to those i can relate to and knowledgeable in these type of videos. Im your fan. We are here supporting you!


people on the internet really don't know how much words can affect someone.. just remember that we love you and remember to take care of yourself 💕


Just like everyone here is saying, the labels of OG stan and retired dancer are both honest as well as entirely relevant to your content/reactions. Sometimes people are dumb, and haters gonna hate. 🤷‍♂️


I got interested in Thina's videos precisely because they said part about dancer: that told me there is experience in the reactions. And the videos have taught me a lot of those details I did not realize before how much work there is to those dances! Take care!


Like so many others, I was interested in your videos BECAUSE you're an og kpop Stan And performer. It's really interesting to hear your thoughts comparing older k-pop and anecdotes from your time performing. So in your case I think it's really good to have those aspects in the title of your videos. All love and respect from me! 💜💜


That looks like Twitter... SMH...

Matthew Wurzer

Always feel free to come to us when you're down. You've been through so much and the last thing you need to people talking stupid like they know you. You built this community to keep you moving forward and there is zero need to focus on the negativity. You keep doing what you love to do and while it's impossible to avoid ignorance, do your best to turn it into a positive.


Thank you for being vulnerable with us ^^ I hope you'll have better (mental) health days ahead! It has been mentioned already but this person was mad about nothing lol: these specific titles are what set some reactors apart from the masses and it brought me to your channel :) (btw I don't intend anything neg towards other reactors, it's just personally I struggle with sensory overload + mental health, so I just don't have the energy to check out all potential reactors, so this category of 'oh someone with a dance background' was helpful for me + I'm rlly glad I found your channel <3 ^^)


Being vulnerable is what makes you real and relatable to us crew members! And really...can you even imagine if every reactor just labeled their content "reaction video"? I'd have to wade through the muck to find one that was dance centric which are the ones I enjoy. And your experience in Kpop made my decision to "stan" Thina was easy!!! Plus I know your reaction are genuine since I've seen real emotion when you watch some videos. To take from one of your sayings..."that's what's up!" Take care of yourself first! We'll always be here!! <3


Thina, I’ve battled depression for the last 31 years (I’ll be 41 in December) and I know when I’m already down one little thing can send me spiraling. You are so brave for putting yourself “out there” like this. And you are killing it, so that’s why people are hating on you. Take a break when you need to and keep yourself as healthy as possible. Know you have a place to vent, right here, when you need to blow off steam. Or to say, I’m feeling a little down. This is your community, that you built from the ground up. We got your back and we’re here to lift you up. Take all the time you need.


Sending strength and all the good vibes your way!! I'm glad you know your community loves you and supports you but just to spell it out: we love you and will always support you <33 Hope you continue feeling better every day, we'll be waiting for all the new thangs ;)


I know that this isn't how it works at all, but the criticism never comes from those who are supporting you and those who are busy doing their own thing. It's usually people with not much going on for them that love to waste time looking for things to point out and try to diminish. I don't mind my subscription and waiting for you to do your thing before coming back, and I'm sure nobody else here minds either. Those kids don't like you titling your videos like that? Well, there are 50K people who do and will keep on supporting you. Again, I know it's not how this works, but I wanted to put it out there.


Distinguishing yourself by your channel name is a GOOD thing. Then your POV ad a long time stan and dancer is what makes you a fav. ... Bc of the dance exp, I'd love to see you dive into the dance relays (Solo artists like Dawn, or Sumi, are just as dope as the groups. Fun concept I'd love to see your thoughts on! ) Thina #hwaiting


Keep your head up!! We're all supporting you and got your back Thina!!


Y'ALL... are the best. I got on my computer in order for me to comfortably take my time with reading all of your words of motivation and comfort. I already felt "ok" the next day after I posted this, but now after thoroughly reading all of your comments, I'm just THAT much more uplifted. I really appreciate everyones' input and especially those who shared their own personal stories, and even those who just wanted to state the truth of Twitter being a damn mess ahaha- y'all are really my CAPTAIN+CREW here. THANXX for the support as always. Got more thangs coming y'alls' way! <3


For me, the og kpop stan name is what made me click on your video. Instead of just screaming hype reactors I like watch people with actual insight on rap, vocal, music production or dance. Also the og kpop stan name made me curious as I thought ”so this is someone who vibed with the older stuff, I wonder what’s her opinion on newer generation kpop” and decided to tune in and haven’t regretted once.


I’m a bit late seeing this but I hope you’re doing okay Thina! It’s so important to put your physical and mental health first, so please don’t worry about the speed at which you put your content out. Whatever you do is wonderful! Hope you’re having a good week 🥰

Oringa Yam

Hey, new cap here. Hope your doing great? I've been watching your reactions especially with SVT and I really like your insights and how you interprets what you watch so I think you're doing great. Take care of yourself and stay safe. 😁

Oringa Yam

Hope you can react to more SEVENTEEN. I recommend the 2017 KBS Song Festival, it's one of my favorite SVT live performances. It might be a bit longer because it's like a mini concert from them. Have a great weekend!


Better than fucking click-bait