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Hey guys! I just wanted to tease an upcoming module coming, being developed by the brilliant Hadalonut and myself. This is a module that automates the importing of the towns produced by Eigengrau's Generator into Foundry VTT (the best VTT solution). This module will import all of the output, and compile it into a nice, easy to manage system of folders, with Wiki-like links to relevant NPCs and buildings!

Example of an NPC- they're currently interpreted as journal articles, but we will be using the Actor sheet once we have a more robust stat generation system. 

Would love to know your thoughts- have any of you used Foundry? It's currently 20% off! Anything that you'd absolutely love for the importer to be able to do?



I used Foundry once as a player, & love it over Roll20, so I was kinda planning on buying it, but this just cements that decision. Thanks for the tip about the discount!


This is great, any idea when this will be ready?


No problem; if you're wanting to host on AWS, there's a super great guide for getting it set up automatically on the Foundry subreddit!