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Many apologies for the month of no-contact, I've had to actually *work* for a living, which has well and truly sucked (I kid, I've just been playing in musicals, which is fun, but totally draining). I've got some thoughts about where I want to go with the Generator, and am planning on doing a bit of a re-build to optimise bits that aren't working so well, and make it a little bit more flexible- top priority is getting multiple towns as a compatibility, which means that I'll have to do a fair bit of rewriting to de-hard-code things (taverns are currently coded under the `$tavern` variable, which means that if you wanted a second tavern, you'd be up shit creek). Unfortunately, I'll be doing it as a part-time gig since I've got bills to pay, so development might never reach the break-neck speed that it was before :P Despite that, I'm really looking forward to picking up the project again. During most of the development, I was playing in my D&D club as a DM, but have been playing as a PC for the past couple sessions, which has been a lot of fun (but has meant that I don't have the same incentives to work on the Generator! :P). 

I'll be working on developing a more modular building system, and step up the incentives for Patreons; what would people like to see? I've got a couple ideas- considering doing online Roll20 sessions, or adding ads for interested podcasts, really depends. I'm very open to suggestions on what I could be doing better. At the end of the day, I want the Generator to work for DMs, not what works or is convenient for me- if you guys hate the idea of any locked features, I'm not going to put them in.

Anyways, thanks for supporting the Generator, I hope that it continues to be worthy of your support well into the future. Your encouragement has meant a lot to me, and the idea of creating a thing larger than myself that DMs will use for years to come is what really drives me. Love ya xoxo

Rhys :) 



Hey Rhys! Thanks for all your hard work, glad to see an update. I would really use lots of generic flavourful shops (bakeries, toy shops, make-up or perfume shops) as my guys love shopping, but it’s difficult to make up on the fly.